march 21, 2013

11 1 0

Dear Diary,

Okay, so It’s been a while, hasn’t it?  So I guess it’s time to catch up.  Trevor wasn’t coming to dances.  He missed two in a row, which wasn’t like him at all.  But he finally showed up to the Valentine’s dance.  And things will never be quite the same again.

So I’ll start with saying that we slow danced three times that night.  The first time, I asked him, the second time he asked me, and the last time he hinted at me to ask him (because the song was lady’s choice).

I swear we flirted.

And I promised myself that at the end of the night, I’d ask him to dance again during the last song and tell him how I felt.  But I lost him and was asked to dance by a different guy before I could find him.  Later that night, I found him before I left and he said he’d been looking for me, too.

So I wrote him a letter.  I won’t copy it all, but I ended it with this:

“You don’t have to tell me what’s going on in your life.  I don’t need to know every little detail about how you are feeling.  I just need you to know that I really care about you, and I trust you with my life.  And in the end, I think we’ll always be able to find each other.”

I delivered it to him through mutually friends, and lo and behold, I just got a reply this morning.

It’s official: he likes me, too.  It was the most honest and heartfelt thing anyone has ever written for me.  I almost cried the two times I’ve read it so far.

I guess I just sort of love him.

Got to go,


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