May 27, 2012

16 0 0

Dear diary,

Life isn't fair sometimes.  I get that.  I'm used to that.  But why?  Do the heavens frown on us?  Are we just so unfortunate that our lives mean nothing to anyone but us?  We are, after all, only humans.  We have no great special power. (Unless you count apposable thumbs.)

Sometimes I think everyone hates me.  Like, when people smile at me, or say my hair is cute, they have some alterior motive.  Like their parents give them a cookie for every person they are nice to each day, and I'm just part of that loop of people they use to get a treat.

I know I shouldn't care.  What does it matter why they compliment me?  Because I believe in justice?  I don't know.

But I swear, everyone is just faking it.  Like, I can look through a room and point out all the people who talk to me, merely because they think I won't leave them lone.  Or rather, they just don't want to be mean.

Am I really that irritable?  Am I just a charity case to people?  I could name the people I don't think really care about me right here, and right now.  There's Samantha, Amy, Lea, Bella, Caitlyn, and even Ava herself.  Am I just paranoid?

I guess we all stop believing in friendship at some point, don't we?  Like, when we turn thirteen, you see people's true colors sometimes, but eventually, you lose faith in all people, because of those you've lost.

Well, I think dinner's almost ready, so,


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