Aug 12, 2012

7 0 0

(I’m writing this entry slightly differently than usual.  More likke a short story.  It’s just easier to get it all down this way.)

I sat in church with two things on my mind.  One: being in the same ward as Lea, and two: being in the same one as Trevor.

We had just gotten our new ward boundaries today.   And now, I couldn’t see the map well enough yet to see which ward I was now in.

[Just so you know, wards mean areas sort of.  They determine who goes to church at what time pretty much.  There are a few other things, but that’s the main thing.]

I hoped that they wouldn’t split up me and my two best friends, especially Trevor, who I had a smalll crush on.

Unfortunately, we were all split up.  Trevor was just barely in the ld ward, while I was still in the new ward.  But he was just barely in the other ward.  He lived right on the boundary.

After the meeting was finally over, I went in search of Trevor.  I finally found him talking to a twelve year old with great hair.  (Emphasis on the great hair!)

I asked Trevor which ward he was now in, and he frowned.  “Still stuck in 6th.  And you’re in Alamo ranch.”

“Yeah,” I frowned.  “Sucks.”

“So I’m upset now.  I’m in the wrong ward.”

“Why do you say that,” I asked confused.

“Because youre not in it.”  [And I freaking quote!!!!!!!]

I, being the idiot I am nd not knowing what to do, put my hands up to me face and said, “Aww!”

I was probably blushing a lot more than I realized.

Then, I, being a way bigger idiot, and again not knowing what to do, turned to the twelve year old and said “You have nice hair.”

And then Trevor cut in bitterly, “Yeah, he’s in your ward.”

And I talked to great hair for a while and then Trevor’s mom came over and said [quote again!] “I’ve got it!  You have youth night on the same night, and you’re friends on facebook!  And you know where each other live!”

So that meant that Trevor was talking about me with his mom, because she knew that he was upset.

Heck!  I’m just excited that he was upset!  [that sounds really jerky doesn’t it?]

[so this sort of explains why I had an awesome day, and why I feel like a huge idiot, all at the same ttime!]

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