August, 8 2012

10 0 0

I guess I don't realy know what to write now.  I got on here, planning to write something, and I guess it all just escaped me.

I told Trevor what Anna said about me being an evil brat, and I said "Knowing her, brat wasn't the word she was thinking of."  He just nodded, and after a minute, I continued sadly by saying "The part that sucks, is that you know she's right."

And she shook his head, almost laughing.

I saw her on a few days ago and just expected her to have forgotten all about our fight, and talk to me like nothing had happened.  a part of me wanted that, just so I could yell at her.

Oh, and Lea, who seems to be my only real friend most of the time, told Trevor that I had feelings for him, again.  now, I can't just brush it off as Anna being Anna.  he would have believed that she'd made it all up.  but now, there's no denying it's already confirmed itself in his head.

I dragged Lea away and yelled at her a minute, but she just yelled "You have to tell him!  You're perfect for each other!"

Wishing I could explain my way of thinking, how I decided to stay friends with him for as long as I can, without ever dating him, or telling him I like him, or anything.  Lea just didn't know how wrong she was when she had said that.

"And did it ever occur to you that maybe I didn't want to be perfect for him."  she wouldn't have understood any further than that.

Also, that death grip I had on her arm while dragging her outside opened a cut on said arm.  Not pretty.

Is it bad, though, for me to like him, but decide I can't ever let anything happen there?  And it's not just because I don't want to risk our friendship, it's something else entirely.  I just don't know if it would really be smart.

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