May 24, 2012

15 0 0

Dear Diary,

Okay, Juan is now officially out of my life.  sort of.  we still go to school together, and talk.  Or more like argue.  Just once I'd like to have a nice conversation with him.  Actually, not anymore, that's my old dream.  Foqaur has joined up with Sol, and Poptropica Chocolate to declare war on him.  We've all signed a war declaration, which we then delivered to him.

Speaking of Foqaur, we have a new king.  which means, I married David... :(  and we adopted two girls.  It's amazing what can happen in just one class period.

I've officially started using a rubber band to try and get over guys altogether.  Every time I think of a guy in a more-than-friends kind of way, I just snap the rubber band on my wrist a few times.  It's working, actually.

Ava is still upset about Boy.  He's being a jerk about their breakup, and she's just getting hurt.  I don't know what to say to her.  She's always so happy and insane, but today, she barely talked or smiled.  It actually scared me.  She kept yelling at me, too.  I just wanted to say that I knew how she felt.  That I tore myself up and wouldn't let myself get over a guy for over two years, but I couldn't say it.  Just a month ago I was crying myself asleep at night, and I didn't want her to be there in that place.  Monica told me to tell her that she had tried killing herself over a breakup.

I just don't know what to say.  I want to tell her what she wants to hear, but I don't know what that is.  I'm not sure there's anything I can say to her about it without her getting mad.  If I could say anything, it would be that it's not going to get better.  she can't expect it to.  Not if she's going to hold onto these feelings.  It doesn't work that way.  That she has to forgive herself and then him, and then accept that things are never going to be the way they were before.  But she didn't want them to be.

She had valid reasons for dumping him.  I keep telling her I think she made the right choice, but she just gets mad at me.

I wonder if T.O.M. is visiting her.

Well, thats it for now.


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