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  The little 7-year-old jumped up and swung on her parent's hands. Both parents laughed at her creative way to make holding your parents' hands fun. She tightened her grip and jumped up. Her chocolate-brown hair fell out onto her pale face. The parents pulled their hands up making her go higher. She giggled in delight.

  It was a chilly night in November, the small family was coming home from the little girl's dance class. It was show-off night and the girl had begged her parents to come so she could show off how she knew how to do a leap.

  As the girl's feet hit the ground someone jumped out of the shadows. The dark figure held up an object that the 7-year-old hadn't ever seen before. At least not in real life.

  Two more figures jumped out behind the small family. They were not armed.

  The girl got a better look at what the scary shadow was holding. A gun. Her little heart started to beat loudly in her chest.


  She tightens her grip, but not out of fun, out of fear. The man stepped in front of the woman and the child to protect them.

  "What do you want?" Her father asked, his voice strong.

  The shadow-like figure only laughed.

  "Please, we don't want trouble." The father stated. The girl stepped behind her mother.

  "Oh, but we love making trouble. Don't we boys?" The shadow stepped into the light. His face was as scary as his voice. Cold and dead like, the girl thought.

Suddenly the man's finger pulled the trigger.


  The loud ring echoed in the small alley. Her father fell to the ground, body limp. She screamed out, tears falling onto her cheeks. Mother tightened her grip on her child, tears streaming down her face as she stared down at her husband.

  The men moved in and grabbed her mom away from her. "Mommy!" She shouted, her voice muffled by a rough, dry hand, over her mouth.  If it were someone she knew she would have licked the hand and ran away like she always did with her father when they played. But this was a dangerous man. Someone who helped hurt her father.

  She watched the man taking her mom, who was trying to run back to her child. The man didn't seem to want to kill her too, but the more she moved, the more anger filled his features.

  Another deafening bang sounded, making the child's ears ring as her mother's body went crashing to the ground, falling limp. She cried harder and kicked the man. He grunted and let go of her. She ran to her mom and dad. She tried to wake them by calling their names and shaking them. They didn't wake up.

  She was pulled from the ground. The men circled her. She tried to run but found no exit. She kicked the one to her left.

  He grunted. "You'll pay for that you little bitch!" He said through clenched teeth.

  The one to her right pulled her by her hair, making her cry out, and whimper. The one in front pointed the gun at her, "Do that again and you won't live through the night."

  A snap echoed through the alley. The man winced and dropped his gun."It's not nice to do that to a child. Didn't your mother ever teach you how to be a gentleman?" A voice called out. This voice was as smooth as leather.

  "I don't think she did, Catwoman." Said a more wild and cocky voice.

  A sigh can be heard before someone speaks. "I guess we will need to teach them, ladies." This voice was calmer and collected than the other two.

  Suddenly, there were three women in the alley. The first woman was dressed in leather from head to toe, a whip secure in her hand. The second had on a clown costume, her hair in pigtails. She had a wooden mallet slung over her shoulders.

  The last had on a green costume, which looked like a vine in certain areas. Her red hair fell off her shoulder blades, with leaves in it.

  "GET THEM!" The man with the gun shouts, making the guy let go of her hair and run to them with a knife in hand.

  The girl backed into a wall and curled up. She silently cried for her parents fighting the urge to run back to them to try to wake them up once more. The sounds of fighting stopped as the child looked up with her tear-stained cheeks to see all the men on the floor tied up and the three women watching her.

  The leather-suited one got down on one knee, "Come here, kitten." Her voice was more gentle and kind than she had spoken to the men.

  The young girl seemed frozen in fear as she looked up at the women, but all the women smiled down at her as one said, "It's ok. We won't hurt you." 

  The other two smiled and nodded, "We want to help," said the green one.

"Yeah!" Agreed the clown-like one.

  The girl ran to the one on her knee. She opened her arms, inviting the little girl in, and cooed in the girl's ear as the girl cried on her shoulder. 

  They stayed like that for a few moments, the woman looked at the two bodies of the parents before the woman picked her up and turned to the others. "What do you say, girls?"

  Both nodded their heads and spoke softly to the child.

  "Hi, Puddin, I'm Harley Quinn, but you can call me auntie Harley!" Said the clown-girl.

  "I am Poison Ivy, but you may call me Aunt Ivy or just Ivy." Said the plant-like one.

  "And I am Catwoman, but you can call me whatever you would like because you are my kitten." Said the one holding her. She smiled lovingly at her and wiped her tears away.

  "We should go, girls. Do you want to come with us?" Catwoman asked. She nodded. They all smiled happily with her answer.

"Well then, let's go."


i hope you guys enjoy this book! try to stay with it, because it gets really good later on, the setup just takes a bit!
thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment !!

xoxo, author

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