«chapter seventeen: surprising connection»

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( the gala in his POV.)

  I straighten out my tux in the mirror and make sure everything is in order, my tie, my shirt, the cuffs on my jacket, everything. The Wayne's have an image to uphold as Bruce would say, which means that I need to be practically perfect.

  Although we all know that that's not going to happen. We Wards tend to make some sort of mistake before the night is over when it comes to these Galas.

Still, we try our best.

  After using some gel to style my hair to make it look less like the usual mess it is, I sigh and decide it's good enough.

  Bruce leaves our rooms the way we left them, which means I was getting ready in my old room, and while I do visit, it never stops feeling weird after being gone for so long.

  Tim was already ready downstairs with Alfred, probably getting more coffee before the guests got here.

  Bruce should be getting ready, but I wouldn't be surprised if I found it down in the Batcave.

  I guess he passed it on to me though. I have my suit on under this tux. I shudder at the thought of becoming Bruce. Batman. The Batman.

  It's been years since I have said it, but I don't want to be him. I can't be. I am not. After that mission, the mission that left all on the team traumatized, we all had to have sessions with Black Canary like Catgirl does.

  Speaking of Catgirl. I figured it would smooth out between us but it's only gotten worse. To be fair, if she weren't so stubborn it would make this all easier, but I guess I'm not completely innocent in it. I did trust Rogue over her, but I don't really think anyone can blame me for that. Cat threw a dagger at her head. If I hadn't moved her, Cat would be in jail for murder.

  All we truly knew about Rogue was that she had super strength, which was very obvious in how she fights. She fights like how Conner used to; all power, no brain.

  We did do a background check on her, but everything was clean and checked out. Her identity was legit and she was stopping crime before Superman intervened.

  She has taken to sparring with me, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss sparring with Catgirl instead.

  She was unpredictable in a fight, always thinking fast, and even has some hidden talents like knife throwing, which I didn't know she was that good at. It was almost alarming how fast and accurate she was when she threw them.

  And it's clear she hates me, or at the very least is pissed off at my presence, which I don't blame her because she annoys me too.

  All we talk about is the missions. After that's done, she avoids me as if her life depends on it, which leaves me with a strange feeling.

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