«chapter fifteen: an old friend»

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I walk into the bar like a building, a few people weaving in and out as I enter, but it's mostly empty which I am thankful for. It may not look like it but it's actually a karaoke and band restaurant.

Music fills the air as the band playing on stage continues to rock out, making me smile softly as I sit down to watch the guitar player. His brown hair sticks up in a few places as he wipes his head from side to side, jamming out to the music with his fellow bandmates.

When the song ends, he seems to come back to his senses as he looks across the room, his brown eyes catching mine, making him smile.


"Well, look who it is. Here to sing?" He asks as he walks toward me, pulling out a chair at my table and sitting down.

"Nope, I just wanted to see a familiar face. Or place." I say as I lean back in the chair and look around, while he studies my expression.

"Aww, you missed me?" He puts his hand over his mouth, in a girly way, and giggles.

I laugh, though it feels forced. I haven't genuinely laughed in a while and now that I am trying, the sound seems foreign to my own Sears. I nudge his shoulder, trying to seem more real as I say," Yeah, right."

And somehow he saw through it. "What's wrong, Brooke? "

I should have known he would know it was about him. I haven't been here in at least two years. Of course it's about him.

"I just..." I cut off, avoiding his eyes, not wanting him to be able to read my emotions. It's been a long week of people asking me questions and I just want something normal. Something that used to be normal.

He nods in understanding. But he doesn't actually understand, he only thinks he does.

"I know, I miss him too." He pulls me in for a hug and for once, I don't pull away, I just wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps around my back.

I miss him. But I also miss Jake. I miss what life used to be like.

We pull back after a few moments and I wrap my arms around myself as I try to rebuild the walls that have been tearing down all week. I need to get my crap together before everything comes tumbling down and someone gets hurt.

He goes on to talk about a few things to me such as new songs, a vacation he just got back from, and his dad wanting him to step up more.

I just listen to him, watching his face light up and it scares me to death when I realize that if Rogue is watching me then he could become a target. That thought almost sends me running for the hills, but I know he would just follow me.

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