«chapter twenty-five: a necessary risk»

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Despite being worried about having a nightmare, I couldn't help but sleep.

In fact, I slept so soundlessly that apparently, the others didn't decide to wake me until it was two in the afternoon.

Being so tired caused me to not even dream, which I was thankful for.

So when Artemis woke me up by shaking my arm, and I darted awake with a knife in my hand and ready to aim at someone, the others were slightly alarmed.

"Woah, okay, no need to get violent," Artemis said backing up.

I looked at her confused before I realized I even had the knife in my hand.

"Oh, sorry," I said, putting the knife down and rubbing my eyes, my mask still in place from the night before.

"Where do you even keep them?" Will wondered out loud.

I didn't answer, I just stretched and opened my eyes after a few moments.

"What time is it?"

"Two in the afternoon."

"What?!" I exclaim, "why on earth didn't you guys wake me?"

They share a look before Conner says, "Well, you seemed tired. We all woke up pretty early and figured you would wake up soon and you just... didn't. You didn't even move." He explains.

"I thought you were dead for a good bit," Will adds.

"He made Nightwing check your pulse and everything," Artemis says with a hand on her hip and amusement in her eyes, "You slapped his hand away before he could even feel your pulse and we knew that you were fine."

I bite the inside of my cheek and look at Nightwing who wasn't exactly meeting my eyes.

"Well, what did you find out while I was sleeping? And why did you actually feel like it was better I wasn't there for it." I ask again.

Conner looks guilty, Nightwing isn't meeting my eyes and while Artemis isn't the worst liar, she was way too casual about the knife I had, which means I have a reason to be mad at her. And Will, he couldn't care less so he didn't really give anything away, but...

"We just went out and got some names, and some leads. We just asked around." Artemis lies.

"So you guys had a talk about me then," I say nodding my head, "Great,"

They probably didn't want me anywhere near the lends to so I don't know the game plan and can't warn anyone.

"Can you blame us?" Conner says, and I know he is just saying it so the others don't catch on that he knows I'm innocent. "You have been acting normal here, but you are hell-bent on causing problems back at the Cave."

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