«chapter six: missing information»

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  I turn to the others as the computer voice rings throughout the cave.

'Recognize: Catgirl-B26'

  I sigh and rub my eyes. It's official; she is a part of the team.

  "Dude, what's the matter?" Wally questions, patting me on the back.

  Blue Beetle and Impulse look at each other before racing out of the room, seeing as this is getting to be a closed conversation.

  "She's just another thing to worry about." I point out, angrily.

  "She didn't seem like she would hurt us," M'gann speaks up as she smiles lightly.

  "Well, not for any reason. When she feels in danger, she fights." Artemis tells us. "That just proves she was from a childhood like me, like all of us." She says looking at Wally for unsaid reassurance.

  "I know, that's the thing; we don't know what she feels. We don't know when she could attack. You had your mom Artemis, she has Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn. Not to mention everyone that comes by to visit." I cross my arms. "They aren't exactly what we want as her role models."

  "I know, but she doesn't look like she wants to hurt us." Artemis defends. I don't think she believes it though. I think she's just trying to put my mind at ease.

  "We have all made mistakes, Nightwing." M'gann jumps in, her smile gone. "It's not a secret that I have gone too far in the past. This team has helped me stay in check, and I think we can help her."

  The room falls silent at that, Conner shifting uneasily due to being reminded of M'gann's dark days.

  "Either way we will watch her with both eyes open." Aqualad demands, "We do not want to risk the chance of a mole on the team."

  We all remember the last time that happened. A.K.A. one of the worst experiences on this team. It did bring us together though.

  I sigh, still not happy that she even stepped foot in here. I thought childhood nightmares went away when you were older? Why is mine still here?

  "What do you think? You have known her the longest." Conner points out with a head jerk to me.

"I don't know. She's different." I say carefully.

"Different?" M'gann repeats.

  "When we fight, she does it because she can. This time it was because she had to. She was- is more guarded than I have ever seen her. She found me last night and asked about the team." I cross my arms and lean against the wall.

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