«chapter seven: aye-aye captain»

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  I wake up with a certain cat in my face. He sniffs my nose before jumping off of my bed, leaving the room. Strange cat.

  Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I glance at the clock. 12:00 p.m. I must be nocturnal.

  I sigh and force myself out of bed before going downstairs. A note on the counter catches my eye as I start feeding the stray cats that come in.

  'Hey Kitten, I will be out for a while. I took Harley with me- Joker problems again. Be safe and don't forget the cats!'

  I shake my head, grab an apple and eat it on my way up to my room. Does she honestly think I can forget the cats when they are literally everywhere? You can literally step one foot in the apartment and run over one of them.

  I, unfortunately, pass a mirror and catch a glimpse at myself.  And wow. That's bad. Grabbing a brush, I start to untangle my brown hair before putting on my locket.  A sigh escapes my lips, my fingers rubbing the shining metal. I don't open it; too many bad memories. Well, that's not true, they are great memories. Memories that I can't live anymore.

  A buzz sounds out in the room causing me to look down at my blank phone. Umm... ah, the spare that I told them not to mess with. Why did I expect them to actually respect my wish?


Unknown: Be at the cave in an hour.

me: new phone who is this? I have no clue what you are talking about. this has to be the wrong number. what cave?

Unknown: Cat. Quit joking around and be here.

me: I told you not to hack this phone, birdie. 

Unknown: Really? Sorry, next time I will flash the Cat-Signal. Just be here! The whole team has to come.

me: fine. no need to be rude.

Unknown: you're kidding me. Just be here in a few hours.

me: STOP! I AM TRYING TO CHANGE! unless you want me to show up naked!!!


  Well, that shut him up. I roll my eyes and smirk at our conversation before I grab my suit and quickly slip it on, then my jacket and gloves and, finally, my gloves. Nerves race through my veins as I realize I am actually going back to that place. By choice... well, more or less.

The sound of my belt clicking makes me realize what exactly I promised to do. I let out a shaky sigh as I pull half of my hair back and slip on my mask.

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