Chapter 19: Team Effort

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      "Your hospitality sucks!"

Eren sighed childishly as he rested his cheek in his palm. He sat alone, in the cold room he'd set foot in once before. The precinct's interrogation room was ripped right out of a TV show; one-sided glass, silver metal table, metal uncomfortable chair, and overhanging lights included.

His right foot bounced up and down as he sat restlessly in the chair that was two restraints away from belonging in a mental asylum. The deafening silence was torturous he was on verge of confessing to crimes he hadn't even committed.

After the blood found at the first crime scene they'd been too was revealed to be Eren's, Mikasa had had no choice but to take him to the interrogation room. As of now, Eren was their only suspect as his blood was found on the victim and the hospitalised young security guard could put Eren their too, making him a witness. Not to mention, his symbol was carved into both victim's back.

Every fibre of his being was telling him he was innocent, despite the overwhelming evidence against him. The way Mikasa tried to stay calm and friendly as she led him to the room caused an unexpected pain to appear in his chest. The almost betrayed look on Armin's face and the fear in her eyes, caused by the thought that he had done this, was hurtful, but he stomached it nevertheless.

Finally, the door to the room rattled open, making Eren's nervously bouncing foot cease its movements. He'd sat alone for nearly twenty minutes, but in this room, time flew by much slower than anyone would prefer.

He found Mikasa enter the room, a deadpan expression on her features and a beige case folder underneath her arm. He made eye contact but realised that she averted her gaze. His small amount of knowledge regarding police interrogations told him the Detectives should make eye contact to at least intimidate the suspect. In Eren's case, he merely wanted to see her expression, but she wouldn't let him.

Mikasa took a seat on the opposite side of the table, dropping her file on it. She opened up the folder, removing crime scene pictures from inside and placing them on the table.

"Around eleven PM last night, this woman," Mikasa tapped one of the many photos displaying the first victim. "Megan Jackson was murdered. Thirty minutes later, another woman was murdered in her apartment. Both women were stabbed to death and two Angel wings were carved into their backs. You've already admitted to knowing the first woman their anything else you want to say?"

Eren bit his tongue. Her tone of voice was strict, like a parent punishing a child. However, all he focused on was that he refused to look him in the eyes. His own eyes narrowed, believing her actions were cowardice.

"Lawyer," Eren replied, harshly. He crossed his arms while his eyes remained on hers, even though she met his back.

"I'm trying to help you here, Eren," She responded, her tone still stern but softer than before.

"How? By locking me up?" Eren shot back.

"I'm not charging you with the murders," She informed. "Meaning if you bring in your lawyer, they'll take you out of this room."

His brow raised. "And that's a bad thing to you?"

"It means I won't be able to help you," She interjected. "You'll be in their protection, so I won't be able to reveal information about the case with you... I want to help you, Eren, but I can't do that if you lawyer up."

He paused, his eyes still narrowed at her. However, he sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

"I need you to answer my questions honestly and need nothing out. I'm not going to twist anything you say and this isn't a trap," She looked up from the folder, locking eye contact with him. Despite the blank look she had, there was a pleading gaze within her irises. "Let me help you, Eren."

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