Chapter 24: Knockin' on Death's Door

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      Eren's pocket vibrated but he had no choice but to ignore. His hands stayed raised in the air and a glare sat upon his face. Jean held the large arm wrapped his neck to stop it from pressing in further which would cut off his airways and kill him.

The club was quiet as only three people stood inside of it. Eren stood there as he was unable to move. Jean's eyes darted back and forth between the two with a frightful expression. A black pistol aimed itself at Eren's head as Jean's capturer held it's grip. The snarling face of Reiner glared harder at Eren as the gun in his hand shook.

An unarmed Eren could do nothing but glare back, completely powerless to the brute before him.


Historia looked concerned as Mikasa rushed back from wherever the Captain had dragged her off to with a worried expression on her face. It bothered greatly that the cold-hearted Mikasa could house such a look. She knew Mikasa wasn't as dark as she appeared, Armin had told her so multiple times. Unfortunately, as close as she was to Mikasa, she hadn't been able to get her to open up as much as she would have liked.

Mikasa reached her desk, slipping her arms into her jacket and ignoring the coffee that had been graciously bought for her.

"Mikasa?" Historia asked, anxious. "Is everything alright?"

Historia's words seemingly flew over Mikasa's head, but the black-haired Detective still shook her head 'no'.

"I've gotta go," She quickly spoke.

Once again, Mikasa rushed forward, dodging desks and police officers alike as she headed for the door. Her determination to reach the doors caused Ymir to slip past her senses. The women yelped in surprise, leaning back as to not the spill the coffee in her mug Mikasa had nearly knocked.

"Watch it!" Ymir angrily exclaimed. When Mikasa didn't respond or apologise, Ymir 'tched' in frustration. She turned around and found Historia watching Mikasa leave, dumbfounded. "What's her problem today? You didn't spit in her coffee, did you?"

Historia let the question hang in the air as her friend disappeared out of sight. She had never seen Mikasa as worried as she was right now and it scared more than she'd like to admit.


"Again?" Eren sighed as if he was disappointed with the current events. "You need to get a hobby."

Reiner didn't dignify Eren with a verbal response and instead opted to growl. He dug the gun deeper into Jean's temple, making Eren's trusted friend grunt and grimace at the uncomfortable and painful feeling.

"Alright. That's enough," Eren's temper began to rise as he set his joking attitude aside. "Your problem is with me, not him."

"Is that what you said to Marcel?" Reiner finally spoke, an aggressive tone evident in his voice. "Yeah. I heard about what you did to him. You butchered him!"

"You dragged him into this! Not me!" Eren shouted, fighting to get his voice louder than Reiner's bellows.

"You killed him!" Reiner pressed while he tightened his grip around Jean's neck.

Eren shook his head side to side, refusing to accept Reiner's statement. "No. You're the one who brought him into this. It was your orders he was following, not mine, not anyone else's... yours. If you had left him, Bertoldt, and Annie out of this instead of cowardly using her to infiltrate me and hide behind the others as protection, then he would still believe and they wouldn't be in prison right now. His death is on your hands, and as far as I'm concerned, you killed him yourself."

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