Chapter 15: Justice

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      Mikasa's breath hitched as she ended the phone call. After her small skirmish with the Captain, she retired to the outside of the precinct in the private car park. It was a peaceful place at night and from the top layer, it gave her a gorgeous view of the city.

She'd been minding her own business alone. She tried Eren's cell but there was no answer. Chances are Eren didn't have his phone. She hoped that was the case and he wasn't actively ignoring her. But as time went on, that became more of a realistic option.

She wasn't expecting a call from Armin who had remained back in his lab in the station. All it took was a mere sentence from him before her eyes shot open and she rushed back into the station.

Finally, she reached Armin's lair. She shoved open the door, keeping the same energy as before. However, her and Armin were not alone as Captain Levi had made his presence known by catching the door she'd thrown open before it slammed against the wall.

Mikasa paid him no mind as she found Armin still in his seat. "What is it, Armin?"

The blonde CSI spun in his chair at the sound of her voice. He'd been so distracted to notice her open the door. The fact that Levi was even in the same room with him was enough to make him second question everything he did. Was the room clean enough? How was his posture? Should he talk to him?

"Armin?" Mikasa snapped her fingers in front of his face, startling him. It was then that Armin realised he'd been staring off into space, out of it.

"Right, yeah. I've got a positive on Eren," He informed.

Mikasa let out a quick sigh at the welcomed news. Once the name reached his ears, Levi stepped forward, approaching the two of them. He didn't care if Ackerman kicked up a fuss. He was putting himself on this case and wasn't leaving until this was over.

"Location?" Levi ordered simply with only one word.

Being put on the spot by the infamous Levi, even though he'd worked with him for years, worried Armin. "W-well... When Eren left the station, we found him using the police PODs. You know, the ones that are hardly used. Anyway, I then lost him because all the PODs in that direction are damaged. However, I put out facial recognition software with the highest quality image of his face I could find. At first, I was getting nothing, so I widened my working parameters-"

"Arlert," Levi cut him off, getting tired of the useless rambling. He didn't give a damn how Armin found Eren, just as long as he had. "Do you know where he is?"

Armin, mildly blushing in embarrassment, nodded his head. "He entered one of the warehouses on the west side a couple minutes ago. From what I could see, he was alone."

Levi leaned back, pondering to himself. He drew up multiple conclusions in his mind, each one having a strong probability of being the truth. His experience in the police force was far from limited. He had over a decade's worth of experience under his belt.

Mikasa's brain raced just like the Captain's did before a possibility wandered its way in. "Reiner..." She muttered to herself. Only Armin sitting below her, heard the name leave her mouth.

Mikasa shot up, a look of realisation on her face. "He found them," She stated to the two of them. "That must be where Eren's bounty is supposed to be collected."

It hit her like a ton of bricks when she remembered Eren's order to Jean. Just before she'd knocked him out, his order for him was to find Reiner and the other two... It must have been Jean who collected Eren which explains why they hadn't seen him again on camera until now.

Levi, having already come to the conclusion before her, nodded in agreement. "Suit up," He ordered.

Normally, she thoroughly disliked taking orders from him, especially when he was a dick about it. But in this case, she was already making her way to the door before the words had uttered from his mouth.

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