Chapter 1: The Crime Boss

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      The taste of blood is an unwanted one. Its metallic tang left it undesired and as of such, was a taste not preferred by most. Blood was something Eren grown used to very quickly. He tasted his own blood, not because he desired too, but because he had no choice.

A closed fist blow was dealt to the teenager's face, forcing his head to the side.

Eren breathed through his bruised mouth. His lungs were burning like scalding water had been poured all over them from the inside.

He could do nothing but kneel there and accept the knocks to the head that he was dealt. He was forced to swallow the blood that filled his mouth because spitting it out would be a cowardly sign of weakness.

The brown-haired teenager was held down by two large men. They stretched his arms out to his sides so he was unable to use them. His knees were starting to ache since he'd been sitting on them for so long.

Another punch shook Eren's head to the side. His usual green forest eyes were dim and his vision was blurry.

He was held down in a pitch-black room. Inside of the abyss were three men, two of which were holding him down. The third men stood out compared to the rest. He was older than them but Eren didn't care. His knuckles were covered in Erens' blood but it was impossible to tell which part of his face that blood had come from.

It felt like Eren had been being abused like this for an eternity when in reality, it had been thirty minutes. Those thirty minutes had been the longest in his life.

After every blow he was hit with, Eren was forced to remind himself why he was doing this. Why was he subjecting himself to this kind of torture? Every hit filled his thoughts with images of them. Their smiling faces and loving gazes were the fuel that powered his soul. If he wanted them to be okay, if he wanted her to live to see another day, then he had no choice.

A final punch caused his body to give and he became limp. The only reason he didn't collide with the hard floor was because of the two muscular men behind him, making sure he got his treatment.

The older man chuckled. He pulled out a black handkerchief from one of his inside pockets contained within his expensive black coat.

"Well, I've got a hand it to you kid, you survived much longer than I thought you would," Eren was no stranger to the odd compliment, but not from a monster like the one before him. "Not many people go as long as you did, especially at your age."

Eren attempted to frown but his bloody mouth wouldn't let him. The thought of other teens his age being in this predicament angered him. He wished the other two men weren't there so he could kick the old man into a well-deserved grave.

Eren's hot-headed attitude gave him confidence but it blinded him many times over. Even on his best day, he still wouldn't be able to go toe to toe with his attacker, not at his young age and with his inexperienced past. Fights on the playground were one thing, but this was very different.

The man finished wiping the blood off of his knuckles and pocketed his black fabric that he would have someone clean later.

"Let him go," He commanded to his two goons holding up Eren's skinny arms.

They instantly let him go and clasped their hands together behind their backs. Their ability to follow orders and not show any expression would give them a good chance of them challenging the Queen's royal guards for their money.

Eren dropped to the ground like a pile of bricks. His stretched out and fatigued arms were unable to catch his fall and his face dropped onto the hard stone floor. The pain didn't register as his whole body had been crying out for far too long.

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