Chapter 20: Ever Danced with the Devil in the Pale Streetlight?

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      "I ain't going to kill you," The armed stranger replied. "You're going to get me out of here. And then you and I are going to take a ride... Let's go. Show me to the back exit."

Armin could only obey the orders given to him as he headed to the back door. His entire body stiffened when he felt the cold metal end of the gun press against the small of his back.

"You do anything stupid, and you're a dead man. Got it?"

Armin nodded, rapidly. A lump formed in his throat, but his body was too frozen to swallow it. He did everything he could to keep a calm attitude as he was escorted out of his own lab.

It was up to the others now, and Armin could only hope they would come to his rescue. His life depended on it.


When Mikasa returned to the precinct, she was welcomed to an empty lab. The lights were still on and his computer remained untouched but also unlocked, which was strange in her mind. Armin was overly cautious and even if he was stepping out to go to the bathroom, he would still lock his device.

She merely shrugged her shoulders, taking the fast-food in her hands and herself to the interrogation room where Eren had been locked inside of for a while now.

She rolled her eyes at his joyous exclamation once she opened the door, revealing herself. However, she quickly realised that he was more excited to see the food she'd bought over her.

She set the bags down on the table, grimacing as Eren tore into the bag she'd set in front of him. Her ladylike movements came naturally as she lifted the contents of her bag out.

"Did Armin come through here?" She questioned with a soft tone. Despite being forced to remain in an interrogation room, she viewed Eren as an old friend and not a criminal, even if he was one.

Eren shook his head, only half paying attention. "Nah. Ain't seen him," He admitted whilst unwrapped his meal from its white paper packaging.

Eren stared longingly at the cheeseburger in his hands. There was a sparkle in his eye and a childish grin on his face equivalent to that of an actual child's.

"Finally," He smiled, taking a large bite out of his food. Luckily for her, he finished chewing before stating, "I have been waiting for one of these for a long time."

If he wasn't referring to his time in here, then he meant when he'd desired a cheeseburger when he was in the hospital after getting shot... twice. Even though he'd begged her for one, she'd been very determined to stay in charge of his diet while he was resting up, and a meat/dairy heart attack waiting to happen was off the menu. She managed to put up with his insolent whining as he ate the salad she'd brought him but only just.

"You could at least put some vegetables on it," She commented, overly cornered for his health.

Eren stared up from his feast to find her meal sitting beneath her. He recoiled when he saw the white box in front of her. Its lid lay by its side and her fork stayed resting upwards in the forest green salad Eren could only describe as 'a bunch of leaves'. The horror he'd experienced having to become vegan at the hospital still gave him nightmares to this day.

"Mika. There are three simple ingredients for a cheeseburger," He held up three of his fingers and she could already sense the sarcasm about to come her way. "Cheese. Burger. Bread. You keep your tree shit to yourself."

"Lovely..." She trailed off, disgusted by his choice of words. She sighed, her thoughts returning to her other friend as his food was starting to get cold next to her. "Armin doesn't usually run off like that."

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