Made promise

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The meeting was uneventful and as usual nothing was done, everyone ether bickered or insulted, Germany now had a migraine and italy pated his head in comfort.

Romano blushed at spine as he was hugged, china somehow got Russia on his lap pisseing off Belarus in the process, and Canada was once again invisible to the world.

France sat and drank her wine while England scolded at her for drinking and the frenchwoman waved him off, Prussia was trying to defend his literal wife at any insults and America doing the same in return.

But no matter how much they try they fail, it's why their in this endless cycle to begin with.

This was their secret after all, breaking and mending over and over and over.

But it seemed that they weren't the only ones to be insulted today, the other nations insulted the italy twins, Russia, and France. Sespificly those that read each others journals, it damn well hurt every god damn time that they'd open their mouths.


"SHUT ZHE FUCK UP !!!!" Germany yelled, "JOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!! HAVE JOU NO HAERT AT WHAT YOUR DOING !!!!" he yelled, making the others holt in what they were doing.

"And why should we?" Scotland asked clearly annoyed, "because you wanker your a block head who doesn't think of how others feel " England said as he held France's hand, "oh yeah well your one to talk iggy you weren't all that good to begin with you certainly made your bitterness known to alfred when he attended his first world meeting" Scotland said.

"Not all that good ey? Well how about all those war between us them I remember winning a few of them" England surprisingly reaming calm, "and I'll admit I was bitter about the revolution at first but soon I began to realize that I was proud of him for defeating me in that war showing me that he was indeed ready for the world."

"Even if he is a bit of a git sometimes but he's my git " Arthur said, slightly scaring Scotland with all of this.

"Thanks pops" the American said smiling slightly, causing the Englishman to playfully roll his eyes.

"Let a not forget that you ignore my Matthew as well " France said pointing her finger at Canada who sat awkwardly in his chair.

"And my a brother may be an idiotda at times but he has his moments of brightness" Romano said, "thank you?" The younger Italian said, "aya and Russias not a monster he's just lonely at times and it doesn't help that most of his childhood was spent as torture aru" china then yelled.

As they removed themselves from the now over meeting the left the building and went to be anywhere but there they ended up at a beautiful park, the smell of new autumn air was refreshing and the bright shades of the leaves left the world in colors of red, brown, and gold.

A feast for the eyes indeed, "let's make a promise okay" italy said, making the others turn to him.

The Italian pulled a pen and paper out and wrote down the promise /promise us that if we are sad, angry or anything that we'll talk and help each other out, so we can grow and be the best person that we can be/ each nation smiled before singing their names.

Italy then folded the small paper into a plain and threw it off the small park bridge and it flew out into the sky and to the sun.

Italy then folded the small paper into a plain and threw it off the small park bridge and it flew out into the sky and to the sun

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! brought to by the plague doctor.

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