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As Canada pulled France's diary out he opened it, ~I did not invent French fries. If America asks again I WILL stab him~ the American gave a devilish smirk and the frenchwoman lightly glared at him "dont ask mon lapin" she said, the others giggled at the sight it was rather funny to.

~me and England spied on the children today for some reason I found nothing wrong all zhey did was hang out with zheir siblings.~

The twins looked at their parents qestioningly both tried to play innocent but it obviously didn't work, the other nations were mildly amused but continued. ~I once read an article of Reancarmatin, I didn't believe it until the next day when I met an American tourist that looked exactly like my little sister joana arc, perhaps I was wrong. ~

With that said the Canadian closed the book, the older twin picked up Russias. ~ever since mine and Americas brake up I've been closed minded to love, but over time with his and others convincing I'm starting to think differently ~ China blushed he hoped that in the near future that Russia wouldn't mind being with him.

He knew that him and America were in love at one point, but Americas heart would always be Prussias. So it was understandable to leave one another, and left it as friends in the end.

It was a healthy choice too, ~I sat on Englands cursed chair today I mean to brake it how was I to know it was ment for America?~ the American looked at his father with a raised eyebrow.

France on the other hand would have words with him ~ I found the strangest thing today now I know that my sisters are weird and all but was it necessary to hold men hostage and dress them as babies?!?~ all the Russian did was sigh he honestly didn't know what to do with them anymore.

"Well.....that was interesting ve " Italy said, "geez your sister's are fuckin weird " the older Italian twin said, as the younger scolded him for the foul language. "Da they are" he agreed, with the realization that it was dinner time the books were put away for the night.

Germany volunteered to make it, but Italy confiscated the kitchen so spaghetti was served.

All nations sat at the dinner table and lovely conversations about the unexpected meeting that was coming up, and oddly Americas sudden and random mad scientist schemes Prussia shivered at the memory of when the American turned him into a barbie doll.

He would never look at dolls the same again...

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