ANNOUNCEMENT + Sneak Peak: The Sequel Is Here!!!

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Chapter 1 of The Myriad Misadventures of a Midgardian Queen-To-Be is officially live!!! For those of you who need some more convincing to go and click on allll those links to get to it, here's a little snippet of the first chapter below. Happy reading :)


SYNOPSIS: The Choosing was just the beginning. After a two-year-long whirlwind of interviews, wedding plans, and attempts to get your family to warm up to your (gulp!) fiance, you're ready to be married, once and for all.

But you aren't the only one who's been busy. There are, after all, those who have remained skeptical of Loki's true intentions for Midgard, even after his confession.

And they're not going to give up their cause without a fight.



You would think that, after spending the better part of the last three years living in a quasi-Bachelor-esque reality show, you'd be used to cameras by now. Right?

"Two minutes to rolling!"

Far from it. Instead, you're practically squirming in your seat, your gaze drifting away from Ricky Morgenstern's face and towards the blinking red light to your left—and, even worse, the live studio audience behind it.

"You've nothing to worry about, you know." A hand closes over your own on the arm of your chair. "They adore you."

You glance up to your right, and immediately calm a bit at the sight of those sharp, clever eyes. "Easy for you to say."

Loki squeezes your hand gently, dimples appearing on either side of his mouth. It really is easy for him to say, because at the very least you know they adore him . How could they not? Even dressed as simply as he is, in a fitted green tee and black jeans (a look more casual than even you're used to), he's not just endearing, he's stunning—all cheekbones and cropped curls and open-mouth grins.

You're back in modern clothing too, though you're surprised to see more than a few audience members wearing outfits that more closely resemble any number of your "day dresses" from your competition days. Nothing so intricate as Meg's embroidery work, but still. It's strange, wearing pants again. Not necessarily a bad change, but something to get used to. (You're still wearing your hair up, though, and a delicate circlet on top, almost too thin to be caught by the cameras. Some old habits die harder than others.)

Ashley Marino smiles at you kindly as she takes her seat. "You ready?"

Your stomach drops. You'd known this was coming, but now that you actually have to directly face the judgement of the crowd—a crowd that, for once, is face-to-face, not random names on the other end of a screen—you'd rather be anywhere but here.

Still, a queen—or whatever kind of public figure you are now—must do many unpleasant things for the good of their people. And so you nod.

As ready as I'll ever be.


To see the full chapter, check out the story page for Queen-To-Be on my profile! Love you all :)



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