Chapter 53

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Your eyes flutter open to...nothing. A dark, fuzzy surface clouds your vision - Oh. You must have fallen asleep under the blanket.

Emerging, you blink once, twice, but your eyelids still feel heavy. Catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you see why - they're pink and slightly swollen, still bearing the effects of last night. You clutch the top of your robe as you call through the door. "Yes?"

You're not opening up without checking first who's there. Not after everything that happened with Walden.

"It's Meg, milady. May I come in?"

"Oh, yes, of course."

You try to smile as you unlock the door, but it's no use. Her jaw drops the second she sees you. "(Y/N), are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just - I just had some trouble falling asleep last night, is all. Did I miss breakfast?"

"No, milady. You have fifteen minutes to get ready."

"Thank you." She hands you an envelope, pea-green. "What's this?"

"One of the king's attendants bade me give you this. I believe it is from his majesty?"

Her leaking interest inspires a wave of nostalgia - she reminds you so much of Carlie. Still, this is one letter you'd rather read alone. "Perhaps. Meg, would you do me a favor and please pick out a dress for me? I have no idea what to wear."

"Of course." You can't help but feel slightly guilty at the disappointment in her tone, but you don't stop her as she makes her way into the next room. The envelope is small, and from it you pull a notecard, the same color. You trace the elegant print with your finger, murmuring the words as you read.

Lady (Y/N),

You are welcome to attend breakfast with the other women, if you wish; however, given the circumstances, if you'd prefer to have food sent up to your room, you may. Just send down one of your maids with a written request.

I would be very pleased if you would join me for dinner this evening in my private quarters. Again, send one of your maids down with your response within the hour.

~ L . L .

"Should I tell him yes?"

"Hm?" You turn around to see her in the doorway of your closet, a dress draped over her arm. "You - "

She blushes. "Forgive me, I couldn't help but overhear you reading it."

"Oh. Right. I'm not sure I should - I mean, maybe he'll have changed his mind." It's an awful attempt at an excuse, but you don't really care. After everything you said last night - what could he possibly want to see you for? To send you away?

If that's the case, you should be happy. All you've wanted this whole time was to get back home. And it's relatively early: Irina and Rosa and Rhea are all still here. You could watch the last two get rejected from the comfort of your living room couch. You could hug Carlie again, hear Dad calling you "Bean." See Erik graduate - has it really been three years already? You feel as though you arrived yesterday.

But now there's him. He kissed you, you remember. Regardless of the fact that you kissed him first, he kissed you and then sent you away - was that just part of the act? A way of luring Walden into the open?

It didn't feel like a lie.

He's the god of lies, you idiot. You really think you, of all people, would be able to see through him?

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