Chapter 8

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Sapphire squeezes your hand one last time, and you hand your photo album to Lady Amara before following the maid down the left hallway, which opens up into what looks like another foyer, with another chandelier, and a grand staircase spiraling up as far as you can see, with landings for the different floors. As the two of you continue up, you consider talking to her, but, unsure of what would be appropriate to say, you settle instead for soaking up your surroundings.

Your maid pushes open a door, and you follow her in. "Welcome to your chambers, my lady."

You follow her to the center of the room, taking in your surroundings with no small amount of wonder. The bed is draped with a canopy, in a soft, dusky shade of green that matches the rug and the walls. All of the furniture - bedframe, dresser, armoire - is made of some dark wood, perhaps mahogany. A glance in the hanging mirror makes you blush - the bright, garish colors of your skirt and blouse look ridiculously out of place, especially in comparison to Meg's modest attire.

She doubles back to gently close the door. "This is the main room, as you can see, and the washroom and closet are there and there, respectively."

Next to the mirror is a second, slightly smaller dresser. You open the top drawer to reveal a collection of tiaras - coronets, really, thin gold wires woven into intricate designs. The drawer below is filled with countless earrings, from studs to chandelier-types that look much too heavy to possibly be comfortable. Below that are necklaces; below that , more bracelets and anklets than you could ever imagine wearing. You look up from your investigation. "Is this whole thing filled with jewelry?"

She nods, looking frightened. "If you'd like more, I could send - "

"What? No, no, this is more than enough." It really is - and are they expecting you to be here long enough to even get through a fraction of this stuff? "Closet's over there?"

"Yes, milady."

"You can call me (Y/N), by the way."

"Of course, Lady (Y/N)."

"No, I meant - nevermind. Um, anyway, Meg - that's a pretty name."

"It's short for Margaret, milady."

"I like it." You keep nodding for a few seconds, unsure of what more to say. Eventually, you give up, going instead to open the closet door.

Wow .

Um .

It's not a closet, or even a walk-in; it's about double the size of your bedroom back home, and filled wall-to-wall with dresses, all of them some shade of green.

"Would you like to pick out your own dress for tonight, milady?"


"For dinner, with the other contestants. You have another twenty minutes or so to prepare."

"Oh." You vaguely remember Lady Amara saying something to that effect, but the whole day has been such a blur. Plus, you're still carrying around a feeling of... uncleanliness, from when that guard winked at you. Focus, (Y/N). "Right. Dinner. Um..." You brush your fingers against the dress nearest to you, pale jade with embroidered white flowers. "How about this?"

There is a long silence. When you turn to face your maid, you see she is biting her lip, wide eyed. "What's wrong?"

She blinks, trying to save face. "N-nothing, milady."

"Meg, I'm can tell me. I don't really know anything about any of this palace-y stuff."

"Well..." She twists one corner of her apron. "That particular dress is typically worn under more casual circumstances, Lady (Y/N). A day dress, if you will"

" This is a day dress?"

She nods. "In the evenings, one would generally wear something a bit more elaborate. Like..." She walks to the back of the closet. "This."

"Oh." You feel the heat rise in your cheeks as you look between the dress she pulled and the one you'd been pointing to. This new one is a similar shade, but the cut is longer, the fabric richer, and as she walks towards you, you can make out some kind of gemstones sewn to form a pattern on the bodice. You make eye contact with her, suddenly grateful. "Thank you. Oh, God, if I'd gone out in the other one, the others would have laughed me out of the palace."

She curtsies. "It's a pleasure, milady."


"Of course." She offers you a timid smile. "Now, let's get you ready."

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