Chapter 15

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His eyes are the only things keeping you anchored amidst all the murmurs and sidelong glances. Slowly, people begin to return to their former stances, picking at hors d'oeuvres or dancing or chatting in corners - though now you can't help but feel as though they're all talking about you.

The herald speaks up again. "As per tradition, His Majesty will now select a partner to dance the Spider's Waltz!"

Aaaand here's where I make my exit. You've already received heaps more attention tonight than you'd wanted, and any dance with the word "spider" in it isn't a dance you want to participate in. You turn to Loki to make your excuses, but you stop upon seeing the wicked glint in his eye. From seemingly nowhere, he produces a long, silvery-black ribbon. You flinch as he offers you the other end, taking it gingerly between forefinger and thumb.

"Me?" you mouth.

"The rules of this dance are few, and easy to understand," says the announcer. "The gentleman attempts to trap the lady using the ribbon, while she must do everything in her power to escape his ministrations. Neither party may at any time let go of the ribbon."

As he speaks, Loki walks back to the center of the floor, leading you by the length of thin black silk, and you wonder how on Earth you are going to pull this off without falling flat on your face. You stand on opposite sides of the grand insignia, the ribbon pulled taut.


The music starts, a slow, creeping vine of a melody, accompanied by a sharp tug on the ribbon. You stumble forward, ducking just in time. Coming up on the other side, you flash him a quick grin of victory, twirling away before you can see his response. You hear a mixture gasps and laughs from the audience, some even applauding you.

You both begin to pace, circling each other, him looking wily and certain of himself. Still, you are determined - you're not going down that easily. The dance stretches on for what feels like hours, changing even in its repetition - you're never sure what technique he'll next employ. Still, you twist and turn and leap, somehow managing to evade capture, but never quite as ahead of him as you'd like.

Suddenly, he's behind you, and he jerks the ribbon again. You are forced around, and as you struggle to catch your balance, with a flick of his wrist he has caught both of yours, walking towards you with slow, measured steps as he twists the ribbon again and again.

You are, well and truly, trapped.

"A great effort, Lady (Y/N)," he murmurs, tugging on the ribbon once more so that you are pulled against his chest. "But it would seem your lack of experience has lost you this dance."

"Yeah," you say breathlessly. "I'd have to agree."

He smiles, reaching up to tuck a flyaway strand of hair behind your ear. "I think it'd be best if we retired from the dance floor for a while. The others are eager to have a chance."

Seeing the dark looks most of the other Chosen are giving you, you're not so sure it's the dance floor they're after. So? Who cares what they think? "Um, sure."

"So," he begins as you make your way towards the stairs. "Are you enjoying your stay thus far?"

You freeze. He's the god of lies. Patron. God. I think. So do I lie and say yes, or risk angering him with the truth? Will he be able to tell either way? How about a neutral answer? That could work...

"That bad, hm?"

"What? No, no! I, um, it's great. Really...lovely. I'm just a little homesick, that's all."

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