Chapter 56

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You hadn't realized they'd filmed the kiss.

Wedged in between Irina and Rhea on the couch, with Rosa just a pillow's breadth away from you, you realized that none of the others have ever been portrayed as having any kind of physical relationship with Loki. Irina and Rhea tastefully avoided such questions, while Rosa...she said things, but in a joking manner. Not to be taken seriously. You, they'd left alone - it seemed like you weren't the only one who'd thought you'd had no shot. But the day after the segment airs, you're still wondering:

Were you the first one he kissed at all? Or just the first he kissed on camera?


You get almost a full day's peace and quiet before the storm begins.

"You just can't get enough, can you?"

You recognize the voice, but don't bother looking up. "I don't know what you're talking about, Rosa."

A soft green gel-tipped nail appears in your peripheral vision, clutching a sheaf of shiny, colorful papers. "Right. So you totally haven't seen these."

"What?" You grab the magazines from her. "Where did you get these?"

She snorts, flopping onto the chair across from you. "We all have our little secrets, I guess."

You flip through the top one eagerly. There they are - the results of the most recent poll.


Lady Rhea - 39%

You laugh. Is this really what Rosa's so upset about? "Are you surprised? You know they love her." She rolls her eyes in response, and you keep reading.

Lady (Y/N) - 38%

"What?" A few pages later - your page - there are more comments, scattered around a screenshot of Loki cradling your face in his hand. You read:

~ Lady (Y/N) is on FIRE!

~ I squealed out loud watching that kiss - soooo romantic! I honestly wasn't expecting him to kiss (Y/N) first, but now I hope he doesn't kiss anyone else! I can't imagine any of the other girls connecting with him like that.

Of course, not everyone's opinions of you are quite so positive.

~ Everyone's talking about Lady (Y/N)'s "chemistry" with King Loki. One has to wonder though, is she even old enough to have even completed a college chemistry course? Her level of maturity would suggest not. She's nineteen, people!

But your supporters always come through, defending you with a vengeance.

~ I see people mentioning age. Clearly, she's more than mature enough to be able to speak up for herself.

~ I love how Lady (Y/N) can call him on his BS and he'll take it because he knows she's right. Come on, I can't be the only one who thinks she'd be a great queen!

~ Lady (Y/N), though she does have her moments, is wise beyond her years. Wishing her the best in and out of the palace.

"You could have at least told us before we saw it on TV."

You wrinkle your brow. "Since when have you given me any reasons to trust you?"

"I'm kind of with Rosa on this one." It's Irina, closing the door quietly behind her. "This feels...wrong. We shouldn't be keeping secrets from each other. It's like sabotage."

"Thank you!"

"It's her business, though." You look up with a start—you'd almost forgotten Rhea was in the room. She walks over, settling on the couch besides Irina.

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