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   Sorry for the long wait, and I know this chapter sucks. I'm running out of ideas for this story so their will probably only be a few more to look forward to. After I finish the story, if i feel like it i may go back and add other points of view and clean it up, because I'v went back and read the story and I got bored, so I know it was bad. I still want to finish the story and to those that will end up reading the hole thing, I thank you and hope it wasn't as bad as i think it was.

           After arriving at the mansion I walk back over to talk to Toby. What you up to Toby. Oh nothing just waiting for the waffles to get done with about  you Crimson. Nothing I'm just boorred. Dooooo you like waffles? You know I like waffles, you had me try one the other day don't you remember? Right then the toaster beeped and the waffles popped out. Here you can have some of my waffles then you won't be so bored. ok. We sit down at the kitchen table right when Jeff walks in. When he sees us at the kitchen table and Toby handing me a waffle he stops. Oh my fucking god the world's going to end, Toby is SHARING his waffles. Jeff continues screaming into the other room.

             Right after Jeff leaves the room every one else runs, and when they see Toby still handing me the waffle, all hell breaks loose. Toby do you have a fever are you sick are you okay  bring you to my lab so I can get you checked out. EJ says while draging Toby away. What's the big deal you guys, what is so bad about Toby letting me eat some of his waffles? Toby never shares his waffles he would rather cut off his own hand before he shares them. Masky says and hoodie nods in agreement. ok? Later on that day I walk back up to Toby. Thanks for letting me have some of your waffles I didn't know they were that important to you. No, its ok you're more important than waffles to me. After he says that he walks off as fast as he could. I could feel my hate face heat up from me blushing. I ran up the stairs to find Jane because i was confused about what just happened.

        Jane Jane I need your help, please I'm so confused open up. I say while banging on her bedroom door. What do you want, what could be so important that you are trying to break down my door? Jane said after oping up her door. Toby was talking to me and and I don't know why I don't understand he just walked off and and. Calm down, calm down, now repeat that again. As she said this she ushered me into her room and shut the door. I said I was talking to toby, thanking him for sharing his waffles, and he said that it was okay because I was more important than his waffles and then he ran off really fast, and now my face is really hot and I feel flustered and I don't know what's going on please help. I took a deep breath because I had not took a breath as I told Jane what was wrong. 

        Ooo you have a crush on Toby. What's a crush? I mean you like Toby, you're falling in love with him. after hearing her say this I can feel my face heat up again. What should i do, I've never had a crush before. Just go up and talk to him and tell him how you feel maybe he has feelings for you too. From what I hear he really does. How do you know he has feelings for me too. Honey to him waffles are more important thanhis life, and for him to say that you were more important than his waffles, then you are high up there in that boys life and that he likes you. Trust me on this, and If it's not true and I'm wrong, I'll go on a date with Jeff, that's how sure I am. Jane says as she pushes me back out her door. ok, thank you Jane I don't know what I would do without you. alright go get your man lovebird.

         After leaving Jane's room I go and try to find Toby, after a while I find him in the living room playing video games with ben. Toby can I have a moment with you please, I need to talk to you about something. Sure, what do you need Crimson. Not here, come with me real quick ok. After saying this I grabbed his hand and drag him outside, and then once we're outside I turn around and face him. I can already feel my face heating up. T t Toby, um A um, IthinkIlikeyou. I said it real fast and turn around to hide my blushing face. After a few minutes Toby puts his hand on my shoulder. D-do you m-mean what you said? Y-you like me. I couldn't say anything so I just nod my head. Before I can do anything Toby turns me around and kisses me on the lips, I was surprised at first but then I slowly lean into it.


        love you Crimson, I have since you chased me around the house with my own hatchet. I laugh a little at the memory of our first meeting. I then give him a quick peek on the cheek. I love you too Toby. OMG Toby and Crimson are going out! We both jump a bit at the sound of Ben's voice behind us, and then quickly tern around to face him . Crimson and Toby sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Ben dead in a ditch. I scream as I chase Ben back into the house. The rest of the day was normal, except for the fact that me and Toby couldn't leave each other side. We were both now sitting on the couch snuggling with each other. I love you Crimson, and I'll never leave your side for as long as we both live. I love you too Toby and I hope that it never ends.

The End

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