Pay Back

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   I am now running up the stairs to go get revenge on LJ, but as I get to the top, heading for LJ, I stopped right before the door to the living room with a better idea. I turn and run up the stairs with a smile on my face. I run down the hall and then slowly start to walk looking at each door as I passed it looking for the door that had LJ's letters etched into it.

        I had remember Sally telling me that LJ kept his special stash of candy in his room, and she had told me where it was. As I walk down the hall I finally find door with LJ's name etched into to it and open the door and then running inside so silently closing the door behind me. I go to wear Sally said LJ's stash of candy was, which was underneath LJ's bed in a box up in the springs. I pulled the box out and look inside to see a big bag of candy. I pulled the bag of candy out and place the box back underneath the bed in its rightful place. I heardly get up and run out the door making sure to shut it behind me and run back down the stairs, with the bag of candy in my hand, as quietly as possible. I look into the living room making sure no one's watching and run to the front door and open it.

        I run out to the woods as far as I could go but making sure I could still see the mansion up ahead, so wouldn't get lost, and when I thought I was a safe distance away, I climbed up one of the tall trees up to the very top, and tied the bag of candy to the highest branch. After tying the candy to the branch I slowly started crawling back down to the ground. Before I jumping down I carved an X, on the tree just in case I had to go find the bag later. After carving the tree I jump down and ran back to the mansion peeking my head into the door to make sure no one saw me walk back in.  I walk in the house and shut the door, all the while acting like nothing has happened as I walk back into the living room.

Time skip (about 2 hours).
        I'm now playing with Sally having a tea party with her like I had promised to do when we first met. Sally had put a blue tiara on my head and I was sitting in a small chair around a kids size table with a tea set set out. Sally was wearing a cute little princess dress and was wearing a pink tiara. Charlie her bear was sitting in the seat next to me, for Sally had said he was one of the guests as well. As me and Sally continued to play tea party, we hear a loud scream coming from down the hall. FUCK. where is my candy!!, JEFF.  Next thing we know we hear footsteps running down stairs. I start to smile but try to hide it from Sally so she won't notice, as I had just realized it was laughing Jack finding out that I had stole his candy, but it sounded like he thought it was Jeff that took it which made it even more hilarious.

        I look at Sally and see that she's staring at the door. Sally I'm going to go see what's going on okay, I'll be right back. I say as I head toward the door. Sally says okay and I leave running down the stairs trying to hurry and catch the action. As I turn the corner I see Jeff on one side the couch and LJ on the other, Jeff has his knife out ready to use at any second, and LJ has the look of murder in his eyes. Jeff where is my candy tell me know or I'm going to murder you, LJ screams. I didn't take your fucking candy, leave me the fuck alone, or I'm going to cut a beautiful smile on your face just like mine, Jeff says carving a smile in the air with his knife. LJ stand straight and then looks as if he's thinking about something. If you didn't take it then who did!? Right as he says this I start laughing unable to hold it in any longer.

        LJ turns and looks at me with the rage coming back to his eyes, YOU!!, you stole my candy, GIVE, IT, BACK, NOW, he bellows making the furniture shake. No its payback for you trying to poison me earlier, if you want it you have to go find it, I'll give you a hint it's in the woods, I look at LJ waiting for a response. Give me back my candy!! LJ screams before trying to pounce on me. Before he lands on me out I move out of the way and start running throughout the house, trying to get away from the murderous LJ.

        I am about to run to my room and open the door when I feel something grab my ankle and drag me away. I turn around just in time to see LJ jumping on top of me. Where is my candy!! LJ says will pinning me to the floor. I decide to say nothing and just smile up at him which turns out to be a bad idea. LJ screams and slapped me across the face with his sharp claws, leaving large scratches across my right cheek. while screaming, give me it now. I reach my hand up and touch my face and hiss at the pain from my fingers coming in contact with the cuts. I pull my hand away to see blood on my fingers, at the site of my blood I snap.

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