Pretty Princess P2

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  Next thing I know I hear someone stumbling down the stairs. When I turn and look at the bottom of the stairs I see Jeff, but not how I usually see him. Jeff is wearing a pink frilly tutu, with pink shoes, and a tiara. He is also holding a pink wand and waving it around as though he were trying to cast a spell. Jeff what in the hell are you wearing.  I wait for him to answer swallowing my laughter, until he answers me. "Aren't I beautiful, I'm a pretty pink prensess here to make every one jolly and cute." Now who shall  I make beautiful first. Oh how about you!" Jeff Grabs the unconscious hoodie and drags him back up the stairs. 

        I'm Now laughing on the floor as hoodie and Jeff came back down the stairs. Now hoodie is wearing a orange dress that goes all the way down to his feet, but he is still wearing his mask so it cind of ruins the efect, but he was still cute. Jeff continues to drage every boy upstairs and breing them back with a dress on. He had to fight EJ to get up the stairs because by what i'v learned he was the only one not drunk.

         Now all the boys are in the living room wearing dresses. Ben is in a dark green dress that goes to his knees, EJ is in a dark blue ball gown that has a ribbon tied o the side, LJ is wearing a black and white silk dress( were the bust should be is black and the bottom is white and it looks like the black leaked down the white ), Toby is in a ball gown as well, but his is brown, Masky is in a light yellow corset dress that goes all the way to the floor.

         While looking at the boys I see Jeff jump on the the living room table. "Attention everyone we will now have a beauty pageant, and of course I'll be the judge because we all know I'd when if I was in it." "You are not putting me in a fucking beauty pageant". EJ screams as he runs down stair in to his room were I hear him look the door. "Oh well he's just a party pooper. Now every one against the wall. Now I want all of  you to say the cutest sentence you can think of starting with Ben." Ben steps forward and stands their a second then he drops his hip. "Puppies and kittens!!!!", Next was Masky and hoodie, for some reason they decided to go together. they both walked up, leaned forward and both said thee same thing. "Cheesecake" I burst of laughing. I mean I know they like cheesecake but they think its cute ha haha ha haha. 

        Next up was LJ his comment would have been depressing if we wern't a family of killers. LJ doesn't walk up he buffs into smoke right in front of Jeff and smiles. "Little kids dissected and surfed with candy ha ha ha ha ha " After popping a piece of candy in his mouth he pops bake into line. Lastly was Toby, I expected him so say something about waffles or pancakes but he surprised me. Toby walks up and starts to blush, and his tics become worse before he speaks, but he finale gets the nerve to. " People kissing under a rainbow with a unicorn on top of the rainbow." I stand their stunned, I did not see Toby saying that.

         Jeff walks up to the boys and shakes his head. ' " You all suck, the only one of you that knows what any part of the word cute means is toby and Ben. So now I'm going to announce the winner. The winner of the first ever boys Pretty pink Pageant iiissss............ TOBY!!!" I laugh as Toby faints right were he was standing but I stop when the boys start to fight about who should of won. After around two minutes and Ben nocked out half way in the TV, Slederman pops in. He desn't say anything at first, and just shakes his head. " I don't know what is going on and I don't want to. It is four o'clock in the morning I want all of you to go to bed now and tomorrow you will be cleaning the mess you made, Now Go." Slender man grabs the sleeping Toby and Ben and teleports away. I'm now walking up stairs to bed as I now realize how tired I am. "That was awesome, I hope the Boy get drunk again, But next time, I'll have a camera."

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