The Uneventfull/ Eventful day

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After everyone says their good nights and leave the room to go to bed, EJ walks up to me and motions for me to follow him. He leads me back up the stairs and down the hall, and right before we get to the end of the hall, he turns to the right and stops in front of a red door. This will be your room from now on, you can decorate it however you would like and tomorrow we can etch your name on the door. Alright well if you don't need anything else, I'm going to go to bed, goodnight Crimson. EJ waves me goodnight and leaves back down the stairs. Once EJ was out of sight I turned and open the door.
        When I get  inside I see a full size bed with multiple pillows and a body pillow against the red wall. The comforter was white with black flowers printed on it and the pillowcases had the same design. The bed was pushed up between the far right corner of the room and the back wall. On the right side of the bed was a night stand with a lamp and alarm clock next to it. The room was a pretty decent size and had two doors on the left wall and a window all the way on the back wall a few feet from the night stand. I walked up to the first door and opened it to find a walk in closet. I walked into the closet looking at the different  clothes that were hung up in it. After exploring my closet for a little longer I walked out and went to the next door which turned out to be a bathroom. The bathroom floor was covered in white tiles. There was a mirror above the sink, and on the sink was a cup with a toothbrush hanging out of it and toothpaste right next to it. I looked under the sink to find two towels and two wash cloth after finding these I decided to take a shower.

         After a few minutes in the shower I got out and wrapped one towel around my body and one around my head. I walked out of the bathroom and into the closet and while looking I find a dresser in the back that had some pajamas in it. I take a black tank top and green white and black plaid pajama pants and put them on. I walk out of the closet and look around my new room a little more. After a while I looked at the alarm clock on the night stand and noticed it was 12 o'clock at night so I then decided to go to bed.

         The next morning I woke up and felt as though I couldn't breath, I then open my eyes to see a very cheerful Sally sitting on my chest. Morning Sally could you please get off of my I can't breath, I say while pushing her off. Slender asked me to come up here to wake you up, its time for breakfast, she says with a bright smile on her face. Alright Sally let me get dressed and I'll head downstairs ok. she smiles and shakes her head and then runs out of the room. I get up out of bed walk to the closet and pick me out an outfit. I grabbed a regular pair of blue jeans put on some black boots that lace all the way up to my knees and then put on a loose grey shirt with the words broken heart printed on the front.

        After doing my hair up in a ponytail I walk down stairs and as I get closer I hear people talking and plates clinking against each other. When I turn the corner into the dining room I see everyone sitting and talking at the table while Slenderman was passing out the plates. When I walk in everyone stops and looks at me really fast, then go back to what they were doing before. Come in child you can have a seat between Toby and laughing jack is there anything you would like for breakfast Slenderman says as he hands toby some waffles I walk over and sit down and then think for a second. Could I have what Toby's eating it looks good. Slenderman nods his head and hands me a plate of waffles with warm syrup. Toby  looks at me and smiles then terns back to eat his own waffles. After a finishing eating, everyone just start talking to each other across the table.

        While I was listening to every ones conversations, I suddenly feel someone tap on my shoulder. I look over and it was laughing jack, yes how can I help you LJ. I wanted to know if you would like some candy haha its really good. Se then proceeds to hold his hand out to me with a piece of hard candy in his hand. I decided why not and pop the candy in my mouth. Once the candy was in my mouth, Laughing Jack starts laughing hysterically and falls to the floor holding a stomach laughing as if the most funniest joke had just been told. Hearing LJ laugh everyone stops and looks at him wondering what was going on, and then Toby looks at me. what are you eating, he asks with a worried look on his face. I look at him weird, just some candy LJ gave me. Right after saying this everyone goes dead silent, and the next thing I know EJ jumps out of his chair and runs to me.

         Crimson spit that candy out now hurry EJ says with a scared tone in his voice. I look at him funny but decide if he's that worried that I should probably listen, and decide to spit out the candy. After spitting it out EJ grabs my hand and drags me down to the basement into his bedroom. He then goes over to his dresser drawer and pulls out a syringe with some kind of clear liquid in it, and before I can do anything he walks over grabs my arm and sticks the syringe in my arm and pushes the liquid in.

        I waited tell EJ took the needle out of my arm before getting on to him, what in the hell is going on, why would you stick a needle in my arm with my permission, I yell at him. EJ looks at me sternly, I was trying to save you, you should never and I mean never, eat candy that laughing Jack gives you, he poisons his candy. My eyes widen as I hear him say this, I wish I would have known that before hand, I'm so going to get LJ back for what he did I thought as I look at EJ. Oh well thank you and I'm sorry for yelling. I say before I stand up abruptly which I'm pretty sure shocked EJ. I then start to run back up the stairs. No poisons me with out getting hurt, I yell as I go up the stars itching for my revenge.

Crimzon RedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora