the day of freedom and murder

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  All I can see is black, but I can feel someone holding me, next thing I know I wake up and see the doctor carrying me outside. Before I can do anything to alert the doctor that I'm awake, he dumps me in a metal can. I stay still, not making a sound wondering what was going to happen. I wait around tree minutes before I finally decide to move. I stand up and look at what I'm standing in and realize that the doctor had dumped me in a trash can, thinking that I was dead.
        I look down to see that all my wounds have healed, and for once in my life, I thanked the doctor for his crazy experiments. After staring down and examining myself a little more,  I start to get angry. "After all these years of pain and torcher that he put me through, he just throws me away!" I decided right then and there that he was going to pay. I slowly get out of the trash can, and head for the door that I knew I would find my pray.

        I open the door and see him walking down the corridor. I follow him as quietly as I can until he goes into an unfamiliar room. I slowly creep up to the doorway and peak inside, and what I see makes me enraged. There along the walls, were rows and rows of children in cages, as if they were animals in a pound.

        I couldn't take seeing anymore and push my back against the hallway wall. "To think that he had done this to not only me but so many others." I finally snapped, I slowly snuck up behind the doctor grabbing a scalpel off a tray on my way behind him. When I reach him I tap on his shoulder, and he slowly terns around and faces me. "Do you like the color red?", I ask as he starts to tremble with fear. Before he can say or do anything, I slit his throat and watch as he struggles to breathe, choking on his own blood.

        I start to stab the doctors dead body over and over again, in the stomach, arms, and legs while I laugh hysterically loving the pleasure. After a while, I don't know for how long, I stop and put the scalpel down. I look at the blood coming from the doctors dead corpse, and put my hands in it. "I'm free I'm finally free" I scream as I got up, and walked to the wall with my bloody hands.

         I look at the wall and back at my blood covered hands and decide to wright something. "He didn't like the color red, so i painted him with it." I look at what I wrote and grin as I turn and look at the kids in the cages. The children inside the cages looked dead already, so I decided to put them out of their misery. Opening each cage, one by one, and then quickly killing each resident as not to make them suffer any more pain.

        I walk back over to the doctors corps, and bend down next to it. I then take the scalpel and opened his stomach, like he had done to me dozens of times over the many years of my captivity. All I wanted was to see why he loved doing it to me. I open his stomach and stare for a second before I start to pull out each organ and look at it, fascinated by what I see.

        As i finale get to the doctor's heart I rip it out, and then stare at it, and the next thing I know, my stomach growls. Before thinking I take a bite of the doctor's heart, and as soon as the blood and flesh touch my tong I hum with delight, I loved the taste that had filled my taste buds. After enjoying a few more bites of the heart, I get up, with the heart in my hand, and walk outside felling the breeze on my skin as I start walking down the street, As I knew I was now free.

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