Fighting and memories

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Crimzons POV:
        I look down at the hatchet in my chest, still stunned by what just happened. I stand there looking at the hatchet, and then lower my arms. "WHAT IN THE HELL, why in the fuck would you throw a hatchet at me. I've died now, what three times?! Do I have a fucking note stapled to me somewhere saying, Kill me now!? How would you like to die 3 times in one day, I mean seriously!" I continue to yell at the boy in my frustration. I reach down and pull out the hatchet from my chest. "Lets see how you like having a hatchet buried in you." While still screaming I start chasing the boy around the room. "Get back here mother fucker, I'm going to chop your fucking head off!!" "Why (tick) would I stop and  le - et (tick) you kill me?" the boy says as he jumps over the table in the middle of the room barley avoiding my stork witch would have taken his arm.

        In my frustration I didn't hear people start to gather in the room. Before I could reach the ticking boy, I feel something slide around my waist and lift me up into the air. "What is going on in here." Yells Slenderman as he holds me up with what looks like tentacles. "I was minding my own business when that ticking freak, throws a hatchet at me. So if you don't mind, I'm going to fucking kill him, so can you put me down." I scream thrashing, trying to get out of Slenders hold on me. Slenderman shakes his head, while taking the hatchet from my hands. "Toby take your hatchet and go upstairs I will have a talk with you in a bit." The boy, I mean Toby, takes the hatchet, nods his head towards Slenderman, and then runs upstairs. After the boy had left, Slenderman sets me on the ground. "EJ take Crimson and treat her wounds please, they seem to be serious." EJ nods and then takes my hand and drag me up the stairs, pulling me into the first room on the right.

        EJ opens the door and drags me into the room, but before he can shut the door, I scream. What I see in front of me is a room with an operating table with a tray of surgical equipment next to it, as well as blood splattered everywhere from the walls to the floor. Seeing this room reminded me of all the experiments I had to endure because of the doctor. "No, please let me go, No, No, No, Nooooo." I keep screaming and try to get out of EJ's grasp on my arm. "Calm down, its alright I'm not going to do anything", EJ says trying to get me to stop trying to run away. "No, I don't want to go in there, please don't make me go in there," I say as I am still struggling to get away from EJ, and out of the dreadful room. I start to have a panic attack and drop to my knees unable to breath, EJ tries to calm me, but with no avail.

        EJ, seeing me in this distressed manner, picks me up bridal style and runs me out of the room. I'm now crying and shacking uncontrollably, and can't seem to stop the tears from rolling down the side of my face. EJ brings me into the nearest bathroom and sits me down on the toilet seat. "Shh calm down nothings going to hurt you, stay here I'll be right back, I won't bring you into the room again okay," EJ says as gently as he can. "O-ok," I say still crying. EJ comes back a little bit later with some medical supplies and starts to stitch up my chest since it was still bleeding. By the time he had finished I had calmed down, and was just sniffling every once in awhile. "Are you okay now." EJ asks. "I'm ok, just don't bring me into that room again," I say as I whip my face off. I'm sorry I put you through that, I didn't think know it would be so tramatic. I won't bring you back in their again,  just don't try chopping off Toby's head again, ok." EJ exclaims. I chuckled a little bit at his statement. "I can't promise you anything, if he throws a hatchet at me again I won't give him any mercy." EJ and I then start to laugh, slowly lightening up the mood.

        After we stop laughing EJ finishes wrapping up the wound on my chest. "Now that I'm done treating you, why don't we go downstairs and see if we can't get you something to eat." When he mentioned food my stomach growls, and so I decided to follow him back downstairs. When I get their I see a lot of people that I hadn't seen yet, and stare in shock at the weirdest group of people, I will ever see in my life. Then I smile.

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