New Family

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 I stand there looking at the weirdest group of people I have ever seen smiling like a weirdo. Standing in front of me are 9 different people, not counting Jeff and LJ. Jeff is playing video games with a boy wearing a green shirt, green pants, a long green hat with long blond hair sticking out under neigh, and who also has eyes that look as though he was crying blood. laughing jack is in the corner of the room playing with a little girl while laughing historically like always. The little girl with LJ looks to be around 7 or 8 years old. She had long messy brown hair, is wearing a pink dress, and was holding a ragged teddy bear. What caught my eye about her was that she was covered in blood.

        Sitting at the table is Toby who is poking one guy's arm while he is trying to eating cheesecake, and looks as though he is about to punch Toby, witch I hope he does. The boy being poked by Toby is wearing a regular yellow hoodie with blue jeans, and a white mask witch has black eyes and feminine like black lips. Sitting next to the boy with the mask is another boy wearing a yellow hoodie and seems to have a cloth like mask witch has red eyes and a red stitched in frown. Standing at the end of the table in the room was Slenderman. 

        When I walked into the room slender man got everyone's attention. "Children meet the newest member of our family, and Ben if you do not stop playing video games and look I will trash all of your consoles." At the mention of this, the boy wearing all green pauses the game and quickly turns around. Everyone in the room turns and looks at me, all the stares are making me uncomfortable. "Children this is Crimson, starting today she will be living with us, she already knows EJ, Jeff, Toby and LJ, why don't the rest of you introduce yourself." The boy in green, or as I heard Slenderman call him Ben, comes up to me, with a weird looking smile on his face. "Hi sweet cheeks nice to meet you, I'm Ben drowned but you can call me Ben." While he is saying this Ben tries to grab my butt. As he reaches for it I slap his hand away. "You better not do that Ben She will rip your heart out and I'm not joking," says Jeff.

        The boy with the feminine mask and the other boy with a stitch in frown come up to me and shakes my hand. "Hi my names Masky and the one right next to me is hoodie, he's a little shy. Do you like cheesecake?" I looked at the boys confused and ask honestly, "what's cheesecake." Right after saying this the boy in the white mask or as I now know him as Masky and the other boy hoodie look at me like I'd just killed something preciouses of theirs. "You don't know what cheesecake is, are you joking." Masky says while stepping toward me. "N No why should I know what it is." Masky and Hoodie turn to look at each other and look back at me as though I just rip their heart out. Before I could comprehend what was happening Masky takes my hand, dragging me to the table and makes me sit down all while grabbing some sort of cakes looking thing and placing a fork next to it. "Try it, you have to, I mean its like heaven." Masky had  so much enthusiasm in his voice, I just couldn't refuse. I pick up the fork and put some of the cake like substance in my mouth, and as soon as I take a bite I start to cry. This is so good is this really cheesecake? I quickly eat the piece of cheesecake ,that the two boys gave me. The boys relax at hearing me say this and seem to let off an aura of happiness as well.

         Right after finishing my piece of cake the little girl comes up to me. "Hi I'm Sally and this is my bear Charlie," she says well making Charlie waves his paw. "Oh Oh Oh, will you come play with me please, you seem like you'd be a whole bunch of fun to play with." I look at her pleading eyes and smile as I reply. "Not right now but I will later, just remind me OK." She looked at me happily and smiled." Ok I look forward to it, I can't wait she squealed." Right after the little girl goes back to playing with laughing jack, everyone looks at me and smiles. Slenderman claps his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright children it's time for bed, and Crimson, welcome to the family."

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