Chapter 53

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In the next couple of days, we made groups of shinobi to help move all of the bodies from the rubble and see if we could use any of the debris.

Yamato and Haruki are starting from the middle where it's clear of debris and started making houses.

Yamato got tired quickly while Haruki was fine "Why are you so tired?" Haruki questioned him.

"You're a natural" I explained.

"He seems to be natural at it to" Haruki pointed at him.

"No, my power is literally artificial" Yamato explained and Haruki moved away from him.

"What did you do to my ancestor's body?" He glared at Yamato.

"NOTHING!! IT WAS OROCHIMARU!!" Yamato yelled then gagged.

I laughed, I had the bigger demons help with carrying materials like wood.

"Is granny Tsunade still in her coma?" Naruto asked Sakura as we sat down on some logs people cut down for new houses.

"Yeah" Sakura answered, she checks up on Tsunade a lot and Shizune is by Tsunade's side constantly.

"I have so many things I want to tell her" Naruto informed us.

"Same but we just have to wait, nothing can stop her she will be up soon" I added.

"Yeah, she will wake up soon!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Its been a long time, Naruto, Sakura" Some old man greeted them.

"Its great to see our hero again!" A boy exclaimed.

"Inari! Old man Tazuna!" Naruto yelled.

"Who and what?" I asked.

"It was on our first proper mission that we met them but you were training with pervy sage" Naruto explained to me.

"So this is Scarlett?" Inari asked and grinned at Naruto then raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah..." Naruto pushed him away from me a little "You have grown up so much."

"Yeah, I'm a carpenter now and we came here at the request of the Hidden Leaf, I was hoping to see you guys again" Inari explained.

"I see you two are well and thank you because of you the Land of Waves has become very prosperous" The old man bowed his head along with Inari.

"So we are going to return the favour by rebuilding Ichiraku first!" Inari informed us.

"Could you do the dango shop afterwards?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah" They answered.

"Yes! Thank you!" I yelled happily.

"Anyway, Naruto you have grown to be quite the great man," Tazuna informed him.

"Really?" Naruto asked.

"Amazingly so" He answered.

"I agree" I added.

Naruto was grinning happily and then Sakura punched him on the head "You're such a sucker for compliments" She sighed.

"Don't hit him" I scolded her "You can't blame him, I'm still trying to get used to compliments as well, it's weird" I added and Sakura gave me a sad smile.

"He's my hero!" Inari exclaimed.

"Do you hear that Sakura?" Naruto asked with a smirk.

"Maybe you are now but back then you got caught up in all sorts of mischief, it was fun, wasn't it? Team 7" Sakura smiled to herself.

My Sunshine // Naruto uzumaki love storyWhere stories live. Discover now