Chapter 2

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Itachi took me to his house and its huge he opened the door and walked in first some kid around my age came running shouting brother then stopped when he saw me behind Itachi.

"Sasuke this Scarlett she will be staying with us" Itachi pushed me forward and Sasuke just stared at me "Red hair?"

"Oh, this must be Scarlett" Their mum came up to me "I'm Mikoto" She held out her hand.

I was gonna shake her hand but she ended up hugging me instead "So cute!" She shouted and Itachi sighed "Your hair reminds me of my old friend."

They showed me my room and it's huge, then I had dinner with them that's when I met the dad "Nice to meet you sir" I told him.

"Just call me dad I heard about your family," He told me his face showed no emotion.

"Okay" I nodded to him and Mikoto wanted me to call her mum.

The next day Itachi wanted to train me so we got me some equipment and new clothes and Mikoto joined us when we shopped for clothes.

I had the usual sandals everyone wears and I wore black shorts with a light red top that Mikoto said looked nice on me.

We then got kunais and shuriken and Itachi took me to one of the training grounds "I want you to use a kunai and hit that target in the centre" Itachi pointed at the target.

"Okay I have never done this before" I held up my kunai and threw it at the target it didn't even hit it. Yep, I suck at this.

"You should do this instead" Itachi showed how to hold a kunai rightly and how to throw it and his hit dead center.

"Yeah I can definitely do this in about fifty years" I mumbled and then picked up another kunai and aimed it at the target it hit just the outermost of the target "I hit it!!" I celebrated.

"Well done" Itachi ruffled my hair.

It took an hour for me to hit the center but I did it, I sat down to take a break and noticed Itachi was glaring at the bushes near us.

"Stop hiding I know your there," Itachi said to whoever is in the bush.

The bush started to shake in fear Itachi took a kunai out and the bush stopped shaking, and they jumped out of it.

"Sorry!!" They started crying on the ground.

"Oh it's you," I said as I stood up "Your Naruto right?"

He looked really happy and nodded at me "Yeah I'm gonna be Hokage someday! Believe it!" He yelled pointing at himself with confidence.

"Sure I believe it," I told him with a smile.

"You know him Scarlett?" Itachi asked while putting down his kunai.

"Yeah, I met him yesterday some annoying boys were picking on him, so I kicked one of them in the balls" I explained with a smile Itachi's face cringed remembering when I told him this yesterday.

"So why are you here Naruto? Do you need me to kick those boys in the balls again?" I asked him.

"No, I was just looking for you actually" He mumbled nervously "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to get ramen with me."

"I have never had ramen," I informed him.

"NO WAY IT'S THE BEST!!" Naruto yelled and grabbed my hand.

"Um, Itachi can I go eat ramen with Naruto?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I actually have something to do just meet me back here in an hour" Itachi waved to me Naruto was already pulling me away while shouting ramen.

My Sunshine // Naruto uzumaki love storyWhere stories live. Discover now