Chapter 20

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Jiraiya took us to the woods with the water balloons in tow "Here you go" He threw one to each of us.

"What is this for?" Naruto asked.

He showed us the one he is holding and it looked like something was inside of it trying to get out and then it burst "You made the water spin right?" I asked.

"That's right Scarlett, with this water balloon exercise you will learn how to create a stream of chakra" He explained, "First gather chakra and maintain it in your hand then continuously release chakra and use that chakra to push and churn the water in the balloon."

"I see so we move the water around it until it pops," Naruto said it in a simplified way.

"We are training till evening" Jiraiya then sat under a tree and watched us.

We did train until evening, and we got absolutely nowhere with our training Jiraiya just woke up from his long nap "How do we break this?" Naruto asked.

"A needle would work best or Jiraiya's face again" I answered.

Jiraiya flicked my forehead then explained why it only worked when we spun it a certain direction.

"Now do the rest by yourselves I'm going to return to town what are you two going to do?" He asked.

"I'm gonna complete this in three days!" Naruto said with determination.

"Go back by yourself we will be training" I picked up my water balloon.

We carried on and the water balloon only stretched a little the sky is now pitch black, so we headed back and found Jiraiya hasn't even returned yet, so we went to sleep.

I woke up to find Jiraiya with something around his neck it's a thing you stamp for every time you go to a place that you can have fun with girls at.

I got his pillow and laid it on his face "Hopefully that will wake him up" I got dressed and then woke Naruto up. I saw Jiraiya had started making out with the pillow, so we left him to it and went to eat some food.

Naruto couldn't hold his chopsticks his hand are trembling mine are as well but not as badly "Want me to feed you?" I asked and he fell out of his chair in then nodded vigorously.

I went back to the room after and Naruto had a toilet break I picked up my water balloon and got bored so I messed with the water inside it and it swirled around in all different directions then popped "Wait! What!?" I got another one and did it above Jiraiya's head.

It popped "Did it" I smiled at him, but he didn't wake up Naruto ran in and did the same thing waking Jiraiya up this time.

"So you both were able to do it? Show me" He demanded.

We did just that Naruto has to use his other hand to swirl the water in different directions but it works.

Jiraiya fell asleep again we dragged him by his collar and went to the same place as before so he could eat.

He woke up by using accidentally smashing his head into a wall.

"I'm very sleepy from gathering information" Jiraiya explained, and we just gave him a blank stare.

"You mean gathering stamps" I held up the paper he got stamps on from going to someplace every night.

"Scarlett please let me have that back" He put his hands together and begged.

"Sure" I burnt it and threw the leftovers of it in front him, and he cried while poking at it.

"So how did you figure out how to burst the water balloon?" Jiraiya asked us.

My Sunshine // Naruto uzumaki love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora