( Thorki ): // Request // Never Again Letting You Go

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I have like 3 requested stories on the way. Stony, Ironpanther and This.

It's not like the picture.

Hope you enjoy it.

Request are always open.

I forgot who requested me this, it has been way too long, and that's my fault, I'm sorry. If I remember, I will write them.

But before the story I want to say sorry for not updating in a looooong time. My school had started with summer break homework's piling up and Corona and all of that. Right now , after this, I am gonna publish Stony, but before that hope you all will enjoy this.

So now, on with the story...


Nobody's POV:

The remaining Avengers were making their way to the compound. Everybody who was involved in the time heist was there, well the remaining group. They had the plan of delivering the stones all together. Rocket, Nebula, Steve, Thor, Rhodey, Bruce, Clint and Scott. They were all in suits. Hank was kind enough to provide them with Pym Particles. They were gonna go to places where they got the stones from. They were gonna go to Vormir too, but Clint had another idea. " I think we shouldn't go to Vormir to deliver the stone. ". " And where do you think we should put it ? In a museum ?" replied Rocket, he wasn't liking the idea of not getting rid of the things, that started this chaos in the first place. Keeping it calm, Clint replied to the rodent in front of him. " Listen here Rocket. Because of this stone, I lost the most important thing in my life. Even though our past wouldn't effect our future, because it becomes a whole different reality, I still don't want our past selves going trough the same shit again. ". Silence fell on the room. Most of the people in the room eyed Steve for an answer. Steve looked at Clint, he knew how it felt like to loose someone that you hold dear to yourself. He lost his best friend, and then the love of his life. He missed Tony so god damn much. He wished that it would've been him that died, not Tony. He sighed. " I agree with Clint, we're gonna stop at the moment where we time jumped. " The group in the room started to whisper amongst each other. Steve shushed them. Than they all got in position and they started getting smaller.

Their first stop was the first time when they time jumped. They all appeared behind the circle the group was making. Past Tony noticed them. " Uh, guys, is it normal to see our selves before the time jump ?". Hearing this, everybody turned around. Bruce looked at himself, he had a cast on his arm. " How did that happen ?". " You and I both know that I can't say it to you, but it was for a good cause." Nebula looked at them. " So you are from the future ?". " We sure are". Replied Steve. " Did we win ?" Asked Natasha, looking at a lonely Clint, who was about to burst in tears. Clint shook his head as a yes. Than his past self spoke up. " Where's Nat ?". " What do you mean ?". " Where is she and where is Tony ?". This draw their past selves attention more on them. Both Clint and Steve made their ways to their past selves and the rest of the group. Clint handed his past self the soul stone than hugged Natasha tightly. He pulled away from the hugged and looked at her right in the eyes. " You have already payed your debt, while doing it, you also cleared your ledger. ". He than kissed her forehead, and went back to his own group, tears in his eyes. Now she knows, she knows that we won. Steve held both of Tony's hands. He looked at Tony. And pulled him into a tiny kiss. He pulled away and said; " Tony, I was stupid, I was wrong and I hurt you. I'm sorry and I love you. This time I had a chance to tell you.". He cursed at himself for revealing something he shouldn't have. Than Steve turned to look at past Clint and Natasha. " With that stone in hand, you don't need to go to Vormir, just keep the base safe." And with that Steve also made his way back to his group and as their past selves kept looking at them, they just shrunk.

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