( Clintasha ): //Request// Wouldn't Change a Thing

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So I have this Clintasha request and I wanted to add a little bit of my next gen ideas, thus were born my Oc's. Hope y'all enjoy it.

This was requested to me by foreverafanficreader ,thank you for your kind feedback.

Well than, on with the story.


Nobody's POV:

*Boom* and a loud crash following it afterwards. Nothing unusual, yet still concerning for the parents. Even though they were used to it, Clint and Natasha still groaned after getting up and leaving the comfort of their bed. They just washed their faces and started to make their way down to the lab. They saw Tony and Steve also making their way down to the lab, a classic Sunday morning. Loki, Bruce or not even Stephen bothered to wake up, probably knowing the cause of the crash. " Friday, is there and severe damage to the kids ?", "No boss.", " What about the equipment ?", " Surprisingly just %12 boss.". Tony just sighed in relief, while Steve just rolled eyes at his husband. Than all 4 of them made their way down to the lab. There was a dirty blonde haired girl coughing in the corner, a dark brown haired girl lying on the floor and a red head boy laughing at the scene. Clint held in a laughter while Tony was about to burst down in tears, after seeing what they have done to his lab. " This is all *coughs* your fault Em. If you just came with us to have breakfast, we wouldn't have gone through this." said the dirty blonde to her best friend. " Ash I wouldn't expect you to understand the brilliance of my mind, but I wished that you'd at least try." Replied the brunette. " Your brilliance ? *scoffs* My ass !" Replied the dirty blonde. " Language !!" Said the brunette, until the widow had just about enough of it. " Ok, enough of this, stop, both of you ! And Hunter, stop laughing. What happened this time." The girls looked at each other before starting to ramble at the red haired lady in front of them. Natasha just held her hand up, and the girls got quiet. " Talk one by one, now Emma, tell me what happened ?". "Gladly Aunt Nat. So as you know, I'm working on a new project and I need as much as time as I can get. But Ash here kept nagging me about how I haven't eaten for 6 hours or how I'm awake until I slept for 4 hours. So she tried to take me upstairs and ended up crashing my new molecule separator, and blowing up a quarter of the lab.", " Wait a minute, YOU HAVEN'T EATEN IN HOW MANY HOURS ?" Yelled Steve at his daughter. " 4 hours of sleep ? Are you crazy ?" Said Tony to her daughter. Natasha pulled Ash to the side. " Sweetheart, it's great that you care about your friend. But this is the 5'th time this month. Of course I will never tell you to stop helping her, if she needs it. You really do act like me against the Stark's.", " So uncle Bucky is really meaning it when he says, ' you're a copy of your mom with a dash of your dad' ?". Natasha just nodded at her. Ash hugged her mom. Than her dad and her brother came along. Hunter still had tears in his eyes from laughing. " Hunter dear, I will not warn you again. If you don't stop laughing now. No target practice for a day." After hearing his mother's terrifying words, Hunter instantly shut up, which resulted in Ash snickering at her brother and Clint rolling his eyes at his wife before giving a little peck on the lips at her. Hunter motioned like he was barfing, and Ash just looked at her parents in awe, before becoming distracted by her best friend and her parents. They were still scolding their daughter. Emma looked sad, the last thing she wanted was to upset her dads. Ash made her way next to her uncles and cleared her throat to catch their attention. " Umm, Uncle Stony ? May I have a moment of your time please ?", Both of the hero's looked at each other, than the little girl in front of them. " Yes Ash ?". " I just wanted to highlight the fact that, she is just doing what her dad did, and in my opinion you shouldn't be yelling at her. Instead try to change the way how she does thing, don't change what she does. She's my best friend, and frankly not you or I want to see her faint her because of exhaustion. But none of us can deny the fact that she's the smartest 7 year old around. Thanks for your time. I'll make sure mom saves you some breakfast." And with that Ash joined her parents before making her way up to the kitchen. Emma smiled after her friend, she really was a one of a kind person. Tony and Steve looked at each other with understanding eyes before hugging their daughter and saying sorry. They stayed in the lab to clean up the place. A piece of paper caught on fire. Dum-E sprayed Tony with the fire extinguisher.

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