( WinterFalcon ): // Request // Not a better day, not a better way

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So, hello everyone. I know, it has been a loooong while since I last published something. Before the year ends I will try to publish more stories cause I just realized how little I've published this year. It's been wild and just so many things have happened to me and around me. I hope to keep a consistent update at the last days of this year. This has been requested awhile ago ( like many of the requests that are in the drafts at the moment ). This was requested to me by @just_another_dumby and I do hope they'll see this.

( the pic inspired a line in the story and personally it fits well )

Please excuse any of my grammar mistakes.

I hope y'all enjoy the story.


Nobody's P.O.V. :

He could feel the growing smile on his friends face, he doesn't know how but he sure as hell could tell, it was almost like a sixth sense at this point. He may not know the technology of today as well as the rest of his team mates, but, he knew that without a face call you shouldn't be able to see them but Bucky had a super ability apparently and it allowed him to see the smirk on Steve's face. He wanted to yell at Steve to stop it, but than he decided not to. He paused and smiled as well. The plan was going accordingly. ' I have some big news ' and that was enough to get their interest. " So I'll see you all on Sunday and don't worry I'll look after Sam. " said Bucky. Steve hummed back at him as a response, before they said their goodbyes and hung up.

Bucky sighed, oh how this life never failed to surprise him. If someone were to tell him that in a mere year his life would change drastically for the best, he would've probably strangled them to their death, but now, it was a different beginning. He was living in a beautiful apartment with an amazing view courtesy of Tony Stark of course, he had adopted a cute kitten and he loved his little трюфель ( meaning: truffle. Yes that's the cats name ) to the moon and back. He also was a part of the Avengers team now and last but oh certainly most definitely not least, he got himself a boyfriend... Well he actually did that about a year and a half ago, at the moment he had a fiancé, who usually was an asshole but an asshole he loved dearly regardless of that fact.

Right now he was in Milano with Sam, on a mission. Precious pieces of art were going missing and apparently these paintings created a map to an underground camp that contained a special ore that Bucky didn't had the brains to remember at the moment. They were sent there to take them down and retrieve the artifacts. And after 6 days of miserable stakeouts they finally found them and took them down and retrieved the artifacts before delivering them to the authorities. And now they took 2 extra days to themselves before returning back.

From the moment that they've met, both Sam and Bucky disliked each other. It wasn't hate, not really, but, they did found one another irritating. They bickered and shoved one another aside for no actual reason and that kind of was it. It amused the rest of their teammates always found the two's bickering amusing and couldn't help but laugh at the way they just acted.

Overtime, without Bucky nor Sam noticing, they just started to get closer. Occasional fights were there, the shoving, kicking and making fun of each other also kept going. But they were open with each other. When Bucky made fun of Sam and he wasn't in the mood, Bucky would apologize and say that he was there for Sam. Or when Bucky was about to fall flat on his face from exhaustion, Sam would call him a name like ' sleep deprived dumbass ' before carrying him to bed and making sure that he was comfy.

At first both of them thought that they were just being buddy's but they both started to realize what they wanted from one another wasn't just friendship. Sam was out as bisexual, so when Steve and Tony tried to set up a date with a girl for him, Bucky wasn't having it.

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