Chapter 24

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It was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that we were all still alive. With the wave of adrenaline receding, I was feeling the aching effects of battle on my battered body. As the others went through the portal North opened, Kate noticed that I was struggling to stay upright.

"Here, you can lean on me," she spoke with all the grace of an angel, as she wrapped my uninjured arm around her shoulders.

My pride was telling me to tough it out; that I shouldn't be leaning on the girl who was dead just minutes ago, but I didn't have the strength to fight it. Instead, I held up as much of my weight as I could manage and shot her a sincere, "thank you," as she guided me through the portal.

When Kate led me away from everyone else and toward the infirmary instead, I whipped my head around and tried to protest. "Where are we going? I thought you were going to explain everything."

"I will, but right now you need to rest. Your hair isn't back to normal yet, and until it is, your injuries will heal at the same speed as a mortal."

"I don't care, I can't just sit around and wait."

"Jack, please just give yourself some time. You've been through enough today."

Kate's words, accompanied by the hint of a plea in her eyes, were enough to make me comply. With a sigh I breathed out an "okay," and allowed her to guide me to the infirmary.

Once she laid me down, she began cleaning up my wounds.

"Ah," I hissed as she brought a damp cloth to my shoulder.

"Sorry," she cringed at my pain, but continued to dab at the dried blood.

"It's alright, at least I know for sure you're real," I joked.

Kate paused in her work, startled by my words. "What do you mean?"

There was a pregnant pause before I finally spoke again. "You died. I saw you die... and to see you here, alive and well, doesn't seem real."

"I can assure you that I am real, and you don't have to worry about me dying anymore. I'm here to stay." 

"What ar-"

"Get some rest, we'll talk when you're feeling better," Kate cut me off. She leaned in and planted a soothing kiss on my forehead. So soothing in fact, that I no longer had the strength to argue. My eyelids felt as though they held the weight of a thousand bricks, and I could no longer fight to hold them open. "Goodnight, Jack," was the last thing I heard before slipping away into the bliss of sleep.

* * * *

The usual nightmares that had been violating Jack's sleeping mind for months now, were gone. Any dreams he may have had were forgotten. All he felt was the abyss; a vast nothingness where he could just... drift. It was a sensation he hadn't felt since just before he rose from the depths of the frozen lake he died in.

 He felt reborn. 

It was around 5pm on the third day that Kate had Jack under a sleeping spell. She wanted to make sure he was asleep the whole time his body was healing. Any minor mental set back could reverse all the hard work they had done to keep him alive. His hair was almost completely white again. The other guardians have come and gone to visit Jack, but Kate had been by his side the whole time; silently keeping watch over the boy she loves. The others tried to get her to go home, but they soon realized too that she couldn't do that anymore. 

After being stricken down, Kate had seen a light, and then the one that they called Manny appeared. As he shone his light upon her, she understood what had happened. By giving her life to save Jack's, she had saved a child that was dear to Manny. For that act of selflessness, he granted her ownership of the powerful guardian of light. Logically speaking, she was dead, yet she had never felt more alive. Her mother's presence felt so close. Almost like she was in the air all around Kate. This feeling should be unsettling since Kate was dead, and feeling closer to her mother could mean that she was too, but she still had hope that she would see her once more.

Kate was facing away from the door, peering at Jack's sleeping face when a gentle form with green and blue feathers appeared in the doorway. "Kate?" Tooth called out. 

Kate drew in a breath as if trying to give her lungs respite from the crushing weight on her chest. When had she gotten this anxious? "I suppose it's time isn't it?" 

Tooth hesitated for a moment, sensing Kate's reluctance to awaken Jack. None of the others understood her apprehension because she hadn't told anyone the full story yet. She longed to preserve the peaceful state Jack was in, knowing there was still a long way to go before everything would be okay again.  "Y-yes it is," the fairy finally responded as the last of Jack's hair turned icy white.

 Kate took in the last few moments before she lifted the sleeping spell; the last few moments of everyone's ignorant bliss. After these fleeting moments, she would have to tell everyone the truth, no matter how hard it would be on them. The moments passed, and after fighting every nerve in her body that was telling her to stay put, to not ruin the only bit of peace Jack would feel for awhile, she lifted the spell.

A/N: I'm so extremely sorry this took so long, and that it's so short. I haven't had motivation to write lately. Let me know if you hate this chapter? I know its kind of terrible but please vote anyways? lmao I also have writers block and jfdgdnvkdniferj that's all. Love you guys<3 

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