Chapter 6

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"Jack, get up! Let's go play"

I knew that voice.

My groggy eyes opened to a wooden room and a girl standing over me. My body shot out of bed and we knocked heads, just like with Jamie.

I let my eyes focus and realized why I knew her voice; she's my Sister.

It all felt so real, at least the pain in my head did, but how could it be?

"I'm so sorry, are you okay? What's going on?" I threw questions at her rapid fire.

Instead of answering, she flashed a toothy smile and grabbed my hand. She dragged me out of the cot I was laying on, and forced my bare feet to hit a cold, dirty floor.

"Let's go, Jack, it's time to play!" She led me through a run-down old cabin that looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place where I remembered it from.

"Where are we going?" I asked, out of breath.

She didn't have time to respond because a stabbing pain shot through my arms and I fell to my knees. The red tears my skin cried were seeping through a bandage I didn't remember putting on. I watched in horror as my sweet sister dropped my arm and gasped.

Shit, I don't want her to see this.

"I'm sorry Jack, I didn't mean to reopen them. I guess it was a little too soon to play again." She looked guiltily down at her hands.

She already knew and wasn't completely horrified?

"No this isn't your fault, i-it's mine. I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do."

She looked back up at me with sad eyes. "You could have talked to me Jack, you can tell me anything."

Tears threatened to spill over. "No, I can't, this is all a dream. I'll wake up soon and probably never see you again. I don't even know your name, I'm so sorry I forgot about you."

She reached up to touch my face with gentle hands. "It's okay, I'll tell you my name again Jack. I'll tell you every time you forget it. You just have to learn where to listen."

The cabin started to dissolve, and eventually, so did she. Her touch never left my cheek though, even after she disappeared.


"No! Please come back!" I shouted as my eyes flew open again, but to the real world this time.

I looked around wildly for my sister, but all I saw were trees. I must have passed out.

I made a move to get up when I noticed the same bandage on my arm.

"What in the..." I questioned as I pulled my sleeve down over it.

I looked up to the moon in hopes for some answers. "What did she mean Manny? Where am I supposed to listen?"

I waited for a whole minute and then gave up.

"Yeah, I forgot you like to keep all the answers to your-"

An image flashed through my mind and abruptly cut me off. I saw Baby Tooth and me sitting in the ice-walled pit Pitch threw us in.

"That's where I have to go?" I looked to Manny again, expecting anything to let me know I was on the right track. He just stared down at me as if to say, 'if you want answers, you to have to find them yourself.' Classic Manny.

I flew fast with determination and finally, my feet found their destination. I landed on the cold sheen of ice and searched every nook and cranny.

There were no answers to be found here. I know Manny meant what he showed me, it must've had some other meaning though.

The Razor's Edge: A Jack Frost FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now