Chapter 9

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"Okay, I can do this. I need to do this." I shook off my nerves and mustered up the courage to knock on the grand front doors of Tooth Palace.

Without hesitation, the twin doors opened like they'd been expecting me.

When I walked inside, I was greeted with the sound of busy wings and high pitched chirps. I watched the baby tooth fairies flying above, all hard at work, when something small suddenly raced toward me. Baby Tooth gave a chirp of excitement as she nuzzled her tiny self into my neck as a makeshift hug.

"Well hello there, I missed you too Baby Tooth." I laughed and picked her up in the palm of my hand. "Do you know where Tooth is? I need to speak to her."

Baby Tooth nodded and motioned for me to follow. She led me to a gold and green room where Tooth was dishing out orders, and excitedly fluttering about like a mad woman. Little fairies buzzed overhead completing their duties with a sense of usefulness and pride. Seeing this only intensified my feeling of uselessness, but I was determined to change that.

"Oh, Baby Tooth perfect timing! I need you to go get with groups 26A and 26B and tell them everything that's on this list." Tooth held out a rolled up note. Baby Tooth took the note with a curt nod and flew back out the way we came.

After Baby Tooth had gone, Tooth turned to me with surprise. "Oh hey Jack, I'm sorry I didn't mysee you there, it's been really busy around here lately." She smoothed down some of the feathers on her head and smiled at me. "So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, uh, I was wondering if maybe I could see my memories again?" My face started to get hot and I felt a little nervous.

There's no reason for me to worry though, right? They are my memories, it makes sense that I would want to know my past.

"Sure, Jack they're always here when you need them. I'll be right back."

As soon as she left I started to get even more anxious. What if my past is something I'll regret? What if it just makes my pain worse?

Doubt and worries filled my head and I couldn't help but have a mini panic attack.

My breathing was beginning to sound labored when Baby Tooth suddenly re-entered the room.

Her face went from full of cheer, to concern when she noticed the state I was in.

I quickly turned away from her and covered my eyes with my arm so she couldn't read my expression. She fluttered up to me and put her tiny hand on my arm as if to say, 'what's wrong?'

"I'm okay Baby Tooth really I-I'm just a little nervous, that's all," I stammered. "Do me a favor and please don't tell Tooth about this, okay? I don't want her to worry about me." I had to whisper the last part. I feared that if I didn't, my walls would crumble. Too many people have already seen me break down and I didn't want to cause Baby Tooth any trouble.

Baby Tooth gave me a sad smile but nodded nonetheless.

Having someone else there calmed me down a little and I was in better shape when Tooth returned.

"Here they are, do you want some time alone?" Tooth asked as she set my memories carefully in my palms.

"Yeah, if it isn't too much trouble," I said nervously fidgeting with my hoodie strings.

"Of course, let's go Baby Tooth we can see him later." Tooth said, dragging the protesting fairy out behind her.

After they had both left the room, I chuckled to myself and found an oak chair to sit in. I suddenly felt the nerves kick in again, although not as strong thanks to Baby Tooth. My hands were cold and trembling as they hovered over my box of memories.

"I can do this. No matter what my past looks like, I need to know."

Without giving myself any more time to hesitate I brought my hand down on the little box. I held my breath and waited for the memories to play in front of my eyes like a movie. Nothing happened.

I tapped it over and over again, hoping that something would appear. Nothing. I let out a shaky, disappointed breath as my arms lost the ability to hold themselves up any longer. They fell limp to my sides.

I thought for sure, that after all this time, this was the answer. Maybe I did something wrong? Whatever had happened, I felt like I'd failed everyone that I didn't remember.

I felt so horrible at that moment, it almost wasn't real. A lump formed in my throat, but no tears would come. There wasn't any time for crying now. My last attempt at happiness failed, so where do I go? What do I do?

There's only one thing that I can do to relieve my pain and I knew it. I wish it could've worked out. The promise I made to Kate only hours ago was torn to shreds in a matter of minutes. How stupid of me to make a promise I ultimately wouldn't be able to keep.

I made my way quietly out of tooth palace not even bothering to say goodbye.


It took 15 agonizing minutes to get to Jamie's house, and I only planned on being alive for another 10. I knocked on his bedroom window and it frosted up a little as he came over to open it.

"Hey, Jamie. Sorry for coming over all of a sudden."

"It's alright, I always have fun when you're over so I don't mind." Jamie smiled, putting a few cracks in my heart. "So, what can I do for the great Jack Frost?"

Great? No, I wouldn't say that. I'm selfish.

"Is it okay if I borrow some paper? I need to write a letter." I explained as I climbed through his window.

"Sure, is it for a love letter?" Jamie giggled innocently.

"Yeah," I breathed, "something like that."

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