Chapter 16

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(Pitch's point of view.)

Pitch walked over to the couch in his room and laid down. North had been nice enough to give him a room at the North Pole, even after everything he did to the guardians. If he were in North's shoes, he would not have been so merciful.

A shiver ran through Pitch as other people's thoughts played in his ears. The thoughts were dark and cold; Everything he used to be. Every day, it got harder and harder to tell which thoughts weren't his, and every day, the thoughts got darker and darker. This was his eternal punishment, and it was okay with him. He knew he deserved it.

The former bogeyman suspected there was a darker force at play here, but he couldn't tell what it was just yet. It was the only explanation he could think of for the drastic increase in depressed kids, but In all his years of ruling the darkness, he had never come across a being that could tamper with one's thoughts. As far as he knew, he was the only real threat to the guardians. Pitch thought it best to keep his theory to himself until he had further evidence to back it up.

As pressing as that matter was, Jack was his first priority. His thoughts were almost always the loudest, and Pitch feared he was losing himself. He had never told Jack this but Pitch had been doing everything he could to keep Jack from getting sick. The bogeyman was not only able to hear the thoughts of those in need, but he could also suggest a thought or feeling when needed. He had never told the other Guardians this, for fear they would think he would use it for evil. All PItch had used it for was to suggest the feeling of hope for Jack so he wouldn't lose himself. When a guardian loses their center they get sick, and then they die. Pitch had been holding that off for as long as possible, but there wasn't anything more he could do, Jack would show signs in less than four hours. 

Pitch sighed as another round of terrible thoughts passed through him. He sent out feelings of hope and comfort to let them know that they weren't alone. This was all Pitch could do for them, seeing as they no longer believed in him and would probably be scared of him if they did. It was better this way. He was something best left unnoticed, nothing more than a comforting whisper easing the pain.

Pitch looked across the room at a big window that framed the moon perfectly. "Manny I do hope you have something up your sleeve. There are too many kids dying, and I can only stop so many of them for so long."

The wind picked up outside and howled against the window, before blowing it open with a powerful gust. Pitch's papers and books were scattered about the floor before the dark man got up and closed the window. He had been researching old urban legends and myths about anything that could screw with the human psyche for weeks. So far he's only combed through half of what was in Norths library, but hadn't found anything. Now that everything was scattered it would take him a month to even find where he left off, and by then it might be too late.

Pitch sighed as he got to work picking up papers and books. His fingers stumbled upon a book that had been blown to a page somewhere in the middle of it's thousands of others. The page was in greek and held a picture of what looked to be a spirit of sorts lurking over a human. The dark man read the words below the picture and tried his best to translate them.

"The title says 'Ο τρώγωνπνεύματος' which translates to..." Pitch paused and blinked at it a couple of times before continuing. "The Spirit Eater."

Pitch read the rest in his head, not wanting anyone to overhear. Pitch translated it as fast as he could on a scrap piece of paper. As he read, his pencil fell from his hand. It said, 'The Spirit Eater is an abomination and a nuisance to humanity. If left alone, it can cause catastrophic damage. It eats away at human joy until there is nothing left to live for. Once the eater claims enough souls, it will take human form and walk the Earth again. Weaknesses: unknown.'
A/N: let me know if this is actually terrible lol thanks for reading loves :)

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