Chapter 2

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I knocked at Jamie's window and a bit of frost sparkled across it. The sound of rustling blankets and the creak of a mattress made me realize that I woke him up.

A tired looking Jamie came to the window and opened it.

"Jack? What are you doing here?" Jamie asked in a groggy voice.

"I just.." I just needed a friend. "I got bored."

Jamie laughed. "Always keeping people on their toes aren't you Jack," he said as more of a statement than a question. "Do you wanna sleep over?"

"Oh.. I wouldn't want to intrude."

Based on the look on Jamie's face, he wasn't taking no for an answer. He dragged me into his room by my injured hand. Blood started to trickle out of my skin again. When I saw it, I forgot Jamie was even there. I felt the same calm wash over me.

"What happened to your hand? Were you fighting a scary monster? Did you win?" Jamie's face lit up at the thought, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that the 'monster' was my own anger.

"You bet I did. I gave 'im one of these" I said as I reenacted a made up fist fight. "And one of these." I kicked the air as Jamie laughed and we both fell to the floor.

I'm still Jack Frost; I still know how to have fun.

"Wait just a minute, don't you have school tomorrow?" I gave Jamie a questioning look while trying to hold back the laughter.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine." Suddenly his face lit up again. "Hey, Jack do you want to go with me?"

"What? Go with you to school? I don't know if I-"

"Come on, please I don't have any classes with my friends and no one else really talks to me." I felt a twinge of sadness for Jamie. I know how lonely it can get with no one to talk to.

"Okay, fine I'll go. But you need to get back to bed"

Jamie looked as if he'd just realized something and his face fell. He looked deep in thought.



"You didn't get that cut from a fight did you?"

I was taken aback by his sudden insight, but before I could respond he continued.

"I've seen cuts like that before.." Tears started to brim his eyes.

"Hey, Jamie... I wouldn't do something like that. Truth is, I was making icicles, I lost my hold on one and it cut me." I said looking into his eyes to ensure him I was telling the truth.

"Okay, I believe you..." He stared somewhere just past my face at an old family photo.

Even though I most definitely was telling the truth, it burdened my worried mind like a lie. It felt wrong to tell him everything was fine, when I had... liked watching myself bleed.

"You would tell me if you were ever unhappy, right Jack?"

Oh no, I can't tell him but I can't lie to him either. I'm supposed to be a fun, happy guy. I can't let the children down.


I started to speak but was cut off by Jamie rushing in for a big hug.

"You don't have to be strong all the time Jack. It's okay."

I stared down at him for a second before finally hugging him back. This ten-year-old believer was wiser beyond even my years.

"Thank you, Jamie."

We stayed like that until Jamie fell asleep. I carried him to his bed and took a spot on the floor for myself. Still thinking over what Jamie had said, my eyelids started to close by themselves and I gave in to a much-needed sleep.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short! But I'd really like to know what you think of it so far? And if you think there's anything I can do to make it better I'm open to suggestions <3 Remember to vote :) thanks for reading.

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