Chapter 32

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DUDE. Rotg is on netflix. I REPEAT. ROTG IS ON NETFLIX. I own the movie but its still exciting😂

Kate and I made our way inside after an impromptu snowball fight. It didn't last long though, since the only snow on the ground was in muddy piles from people plowing their driveways and sidewalks.  It was the last day of April; my first month as a guardian was at an end.

However sad it always made me that I wouldn't be able to give kids snow days and fun memories for another year, I was very thankful that Kate still hadn't questioned me about my mental state. It was decent for now, and I wanted to preserve that feeling.

Kate herded me towards the antique, floral couch as Grace set down a steaming cup of tea in front of me. 

"Thank you," I said before testing the temperature of the beverage with my lip. It was a bit too hot, so I gave it one icy breath to perfectly suit it to my chilly tastes.

Grace cleared her throat after what looked like a very therapeutic drag of her tea. "So, care to explain how you know our granddaughter, and how your relationship ultimately led to her death?"

The passive aggressive nature of Grace's question was nothing to sneeze at. It earned her quite the array of looks from around the room, mine being only slightly terrified. I was only afraid of her reaction because the way Kate and I met wasn't what one would consider normal.

Grace looked around the room to her husband and granddaughter and said, "what? Just making conversation," ever so innocently.

"I-its fine Grace," I paused. "I met Kate when I was looking for believers. A spirit can only be seen if the person looking, actually believes in them." I went on to tell them how I got Kate to believe, hoping Grace wouldn't have a whole lot to say about the fact that I pretty much broke into their house. "I began losing what made me a guardian because of an evil spirit called the Spirit Eater. Kate was helping me figure out his riddle and she came with me to the lake where I fought him. I never meant for her to get involved with the battle, but as you saw in the ice memory, she saved my life. And if she hadn't, many more lives would have been taken."

Rick looked proudly at his granddaughter from the sofa opposite the one Kate and I were on. "Thank you for being the brave, selfless girl we raised you to be. We're proud of you sweet Katie. I know if Sara were here, she would feel the same."

"Oh grandpa," Kate said with a shaky voice. "Are you trying to make me cry?" She asked with a noise that was half laughter and half holding back a sob.

"Who's Sara?" I turn to ask Kate after finishing the last of my tea.

"Sara's my moms name," Kate told me looking down at her hands like she did the first time I asked her about her family.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"I never told you anything about my mom did I?"

"No, but you don't have to," I insisted.

"It's okay, I want to," Kate said before taking a deep breath and letting it go. "As soon as my mom had me she left my dad, so I never got to meet him. She never talked about him so I don't know why she left him either. Up until I was 6 we moved around constantly. We never stayed anywhere longer than 6 months so I was homeschooled until my mom dropped me off here and never came back. I never got an explanation nor do I have any clue what happened to her." When Kate finished speaking there was a heavy solemness in the air that I could almost feel pushing down on me.

"Rick," Grace said softly, breaking the heavy silence. "I think we should give it to her now."

"Give me what?" Kate asked confused, looking between her two grandparents.

Rick opened his mouth like he wanted to say something to Kate, but closed it and turned back to Grace. "Honey, I thought you said it wasn't a good idea-"

"Hello?" Kate raised her voice to get their attention. "Give me what?"

Grace looked from Rick to Kate and then got up wordlessly and disappeared around the corner. After a moment of all of us staring after her, she reappeared with a folded paper in hand.

"You have to understand honey, the only reason we didn't give this to you is because we didn't want you to have to grieve like we did. We thought it was better for you to have hope," Grace paused with a tired look on her face, before handing the paper to Kate. "But I see now that it was cruel to keep this from you. It's a letter from your mother."

Kates eyes went so wide, I wondered for a second if they might get stuck like that. She opened the letter with shaking hands, and read her mothers last words to her.

* * * *


If you're reading this my darling girl, that means you'll probably never see me alive again. But it also means you're safe, and for that I am eternally grateful. This story won't be an easy one to hear or believe, but I have to tell it at the very least.

Your father wasn't always a man I wanted to run away from. I loved him dearly for his kind heart, but something happened and he wasn't himself anymore. Along with my own suspicions, a woman named Sylphie came to me and said she knew he had a plan to hurt you. I made the decision to leave as soon as you were born so he would never have the chance. Though we were constantly moving, he always came very close to finding us. I feared that someday soon he would catch up to me and do something truly evil.

I tried to fill our short time together with light and happiness, but that isn't the real reason I would always talk about Jack Frost. I've seen him in action and he has a kind, brave heart. Try your best to believe in him. Sylphie says he could use a friend like you, and you him.

There was something I left out about your father. I was debating telling you because I didn't want to add to your grief, but if I don't do it now, I'll never have another chance. Sylphie also spoke of a demon who preys on the despair of others and uses it against them. You had an older brother, his name was Alec. He was four when he passed away three days before you were born. After that is when your father began acting strange.

My deepest fear came to light when you were six. I could tell your father was no longer the man that I loved. He attacked us, but thankfully Sylphie helped me protect you. Thanks to her I was able to get you safely to my parents' house where I hope you'll have a safe and happy life.

I can't tell you where I'm going, it would be too dangerous for you to follow, but know that I am paying off my debt to Sylphie.

I love you always,


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