Chapter 1

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Hello, readers! This is FieryWitch12, and I thank you for viewing my story. Like the summary conveyed, this story is based lightly on canon and will possess originality more. I know there are a lot of Harmione fanfics where Harry and Hermione were a thing instead of Ron and Hermione, but this story is my take on it. What would have happened if Hermione liked Harry and how things would have been different then. Beware: contains a lot of Cho and Ginny bashing. No Ron or Dumbledore bashing (like I've seen on many Harmione fanfics) because I love them both. Do comment to tell me what you think about my first Harry Potter fanfiction :)) Happy Reading!

P.S. Luna is already a good friend. So, according to my story, the trio met her in their 4th year.

P.S.S. The cover I have chosen for this story is my absolute favourite piece of fan art ever!

Now, enjoy!


It was a cool October morning when Hermione Granger woke up for the day, yawning. She got out of bed and readied herself for the day.

Her fifth year at Hogwarts had begun recently, and it was off to an okay start. And that was because He Who Must Not Be Named was on the rise again, which meant more tension for her and her friends -- especially Harry Potter, who, in addition to receiving blinding pain in his famous scar more often than before, now also saw disturbing dreams. Therefore, Hermione was really worried about him.

Coming back to the present, the Great Hall was bustling with its usual energy when Hermione entered it at breakfast. She went for the Gryffindor table and took her spot beside Ron. However, Harry was missing.

"Hi Ron," Hermione greeted him, "Where's Harry?"

"Hey Hermione," said Ron, "Harry is sitting with the Ravenclaws today."

Her eyebrows went up with surprise, "What? Why?"

He wasn't quite meeting her eyes when he answered, "I don't know. He wouldn't tell me.'

Hermione didn't believe him for a second. Nevertheless, she said, "That's strange. And suspicious...I'll go over there and ask him."

"No! You can't do that!" Ron suddenly exclaimed, "I mean...shouldn't we give Harry some privacy?"

"Oh, Ron," said Hermione, rolling her eyes, "You obviously know everything about this. Why hide it from me?"

"I don't know what you are talking about..." he mumbled.

"Fine, if you are not gonna tell me, I'll just ask Harry myself," she declared and went for the Ravenclaw table. Ron's claims of protests got drowned by the cacophonies of the Great Hall as Hermione reached Harry, who was sitting with Luna Lovegood.

He was talking furtively with her but immediately stopped as soon as he saw Hermione.

"Heyy, Hermione! What's up?" he greeted her. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What's up with you, Harry?" she asked him, "Why are you sitting here? With the Ravenclaws?"

"Oh. Actually, I came here to talk to Luna only," he told her, "Right, Luna?"

"Yes, that's right." Luna affirmed in her dreamy voice, "Harry Potter came here to discuss something importan-"

"So you see?" Harry interrupted her, "I am coming back in a minute."

But before Hermione could say anything, Ron arrived at the spot.

"Hermione! Where did you run off to? I wanted to ask you something about that Potions essay."

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