teenagers in high school

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Y/N got to school earlier then normal that morning, she sighed and looked around her car. The past weekend felt like it went by fast. grabbing a joint from her bag she pulled out her lighter and sat there for awhile. after finishing it quite fast she looked in her bag and saw a small baggies of mushroom? she's had them for awhile and thought nothing it popping two in her mouth. she dragged her feet all the way to her first period, english.

plopping down in her seat hardly anyone was in the class room yet. Y/N kept looking out the window and didn't turn once while a few more people started coming in. "are you high?" someone chuckled looking down at her. slowly looking up she saw Ken, "perhaps." Y/N smirked while laying her head on her bag she had on her desk.

Y/N felt someone scratch her back before sitting at the table she knew it was Nick. lifting her head she mumbled, "hey babe." before pulling out her notebook. "this morning feels really slow?" Y/N said looking at Ken. "uh yeah i guess for you smoky?" Y/N laughed at that while the teacher then started talking.

for the rest of class Nick and Ken would y'all and now and then Ken would make jokes about Y/N being obviously faded. Y/N felt weird. like the day was starting to feel off to her and she couldn't put her finger on it.

"you're just like Nick?" Lindsay chuckled sitting next to Y/N while she ate at the lunch table giggling. "what's that supposed to mean brain?" Y/N smirked at her knowing she hated being called brain. "man i need chocolate milk like right. now!" Y/N smiled grabbing Daniels hand and dragging him with her, "i guess i need milk too?" Daniel said while Kim and Elijah laughed.

"i needed to taste something brown." Y/N whispers to Daniel, "whoa? five milk cartons? you sure that's enough?" Daniel laughed while Y/N hugged her milk, "what if they run out? you're right seven seems more safe." Y/N said worried grabbing two more.
"i have milk!" Y/N skipped over to the table not paying for her milk. "have you seen benjamin dude?!" Lilac said annoyed sitting next to Ken, "yes! i've seen him before. he's tall and has hair. you know you've seen him before too." Y/N smiled opening her milk. "she's high?" Lilac turned to Kim, "you look like frosting?" Y/N laughed at Lilac making Kim, Daniel, and Ken to start laughing.

Nick came to the table to see Y/N chugging another milk carton? "baby you good?" he smiled sitting next to her, "i'm amazing. did you know chocolate milk is amazing?" Y/N smiled at Nick. "yeah it's pretty good?" he smiled looking at Ken, "are you high baby?" Nick smiled before kissing her cheek, Y/N whispers yes giggling. "what a surprise." Lindsay mumbled and Kim then shoved her arm. "whats that supposed to mean Lindsay?" Nick said while Y/N looked at her confused. "nothing nick? i'm just saying she seems to always be messed up." Lindsay said sounding defensive.

"dude not cool." Lilac looked at her annoyed, "i'm not talking about you? it just seems like Y/N doesn't really care what people think of her?" Y/N looked up at Nick and back down to her lap. "okay you're not talking about me but your talking about your friends girlfriend and my best friend. so you can keep your opinions to yourself." Lilac spat at her. "Lindsay honestly what she does isn't your business." Nick said putting his arm around Y/N. "but isn't it? she's making us as a group seem like we just don't care." she sighed, "common Lindsay." Kim huffed, "i'm not trying to be mean i was just saying she smokes like all the time."

Y/N got up from the table and smiled at her before walking away, "seriously Lindsay?!" Nick said mad, Lilac got up grabbing her backpack, "see ya." Lilac huffed, Elijah then rushed up grabbing her milk and following Y/N and lilac. "what was the point of any of that Lindsay?!" Nick snapped running up to them as they walked out to the parking lot.

"why does this seem familiar? oh yeah that's right? you lindsay? and Nick. huh? i guess people don't change much?" Ken said obviously aggravated. "man shut up" Daniel sighed.

Y/N got in her car and sighed looking out the window, Lilac and Elijah got in the back of the car and nick sat in the passenger seat. No one said anything. Y/N looked down at her lap as she softly ran her fingers over her old scars on her arms.
"i have your milk?" Elijah said softy, "dude?!" lilac nudged him. "thanks man." Y/N sniffled. "do i have a problem?" Y/N looked over at Nick with a worried expression. "look baby? i smoke a bit too? i personally think you're fine you're just having fun" "no yeah look my parents smoke like theres no tomorrow? i mean yes my mom sells tie dye clothes and feeds homeless people vegan baked goods? but my dad writes poetry and it's very promising!" Lilac smiled trying to be supportive. "okay dude that wasn't very helpful? look we are teenagers and yes lilacs parents have? a different way of living but it's still living? they're making money and helping people? smoking isn't making you a bad  person it's just making a few boring days at school a little more fun? chocolate milk?" Elijah said handing her a carton of chocolate milk. "*giggles* thanks guys? i don't know? i mean maybe i went a little too far today?" Y/N sighed pulling out a ziplock of mushrooms.

"whoa?! where did you get that in Chippewa of all places!" Nick started laughing grabbing the bag, "the punk girl who works at the liquor shop?" Y/N chuckled, "she's been talking to Daniel lately and they seem serious so yesterday i was hanging with them and she offered them to me fore free. i figured? free?" Y/N looked at Nick, "i think i want to take a small break from doing shit? ya know go straight?" Y/N said rubbing over her scars again.
"is that something you really want to do? or something you feel like you have to cuz of Lindsay?" Lilac said, "i feel like i should just take a small break nothing big you know? it doesn't have to be a  big deal." "does this mean i should stop smoking around you Y/N?" nick said worried, "baby? no way! this is for me. i won't be bothered by it." Y/N smiled kissing him again once.
"well? Elijah?" Y/N turned holding the zip lock of mushrooms to see if he wanted them. "you know it" he mumbled leaning over grabbing the bag and eating three."

"okay y'all? 3rd period has started. what are we doing? late passes or...." she said looking at Y/N, "i don't want to go dude." Elijah says laying on lilacs lap, "i think Benjamin is with Jenna at some coffee shop? that's been their main spot other then the basement." lilac sighed, "let's go then!" Nick smiled big.

just so you know:
yes i write a lot about weed and doing drugs and i think it's obvious since i write about it ima be hella open i smoke like a lot. but i want y'all who read my bad writing to know i personally don't think everyone should smoke or even smoke once just to try it. i feel like if you do it that's chill and you're safe and don't let it affect family, friend, romantic, or professional relationships even better! but if it's something you don't fuck with i respect that so much in a person. i don't think it makes anyone a bad person tho. so yeah? you didn't have to read this btw i just wanted it to be known.

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