Chapter IV: Childish Games

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you kept your head down during 2nd period. not wanting to feel like the new girl yet again in this class you kept quiet and worked on the assignment on the board. Nicks smile popped in your brain and you felt a smile creep up, he was hella goofy. working on the sketches of yourself you felt a kind of self conscious cloud linger over you. "may i use the restroom?" you murmured, she looked at you up and down and nodded her head yes. wondering the halls for a bathroom you came across one and sighed in relief. shoving the heavy door open you rushed into the biggest stall and sat on floor crisscross while pulling some items out from your pocket. a lighter, a blunt, and a small razor. lighting the thick blunt you inhaled a few deep puffs before pulling your sleeve up. making light slashes with the razor you felt a weird sensation rise from your skin mixed with heat and pain. you took another puff and cut deeper drawing a crimson blood just like the colored pencils back in the art room. starting to feel a kind of euphoria take over your body. the mixture of the smoke and then burn from the cuts danced together that made you feel alive. made you feel something. after a few more deep hits you felt more buzzed then this morning. getting up you headed back to class but heard the next bell and sighed. you stumbled through the crowd of people trying to make sense of everything. your brain felt cloudy and walking became more difficult. your knees felt weak. you tried remembering if the joint you grabbed this morning. the joint you had just smoked. if it was laced? you see Nick standing there and you tumble your body into him giggling. he smiled until his eyes met something that made his eyebrows frown nervously.

you looked up with a goofy smile and half opened eyes. he grabbed onto your arm and you looked down only seeing that it was still rolled up. he shoved your sleeve down and pulled you into your art class as he grabbed your stuff you stayed quietly giggling and out of it behind him. not making eye contact with the teacher. "i can't just babysit you because you're fucked up. why are you high y/n? it's so obvious" Nick spit out as he held you close near him while he walked you down the hall. "you don't have to babysit me? i'm no baby? a little weed hurt nobody" you laughed again and he sighed loudly. walking you out to behind the bleachers you see two other guys. Ken from this morning and the guy who you bumped into.

they both looked at Nick weird and then you. and the one in the leather jacket started laughing. "whoa she's totally backed! who even is she Nick?" Nick sighed and sat down sitting you next to him. "Her names y/n. she's new. and she's kinda being a pain but i swear before she was chill." he said annoyed having to take care of a random girl he barely knew. "leave her alone then. she doesn't need you watching her. right y/n?" ken asked you. your head popped up looking at him and smiling. "you know it! i can handle my own shit." you slightly slurred. you only smoke laced blunts at home. being in public when smoking them was just plain stupid. They all started talking and you would sometime listen in and every now and then toon out. your eyelids started to feel heavy. laying your head on Nicks shoulder you heard him slightly sigh and wrap his arm around you. feeling his warmth on your skin you curled up to him and started to fall asleep. they all kept talking as you slept. a little later went by and your eyes fluttered open. looking around you saw Ken and other guy gone. and looked at Nick who sat there looking at you know in silence. your head still felt slightly out of it. "i-is it still lunch?" you mumbled as you rubbed your eye. "nope. you slept through that and now it's the middle of 3rd. you slept like a rock we couldn't wake you up so i stayed." hearing him say y'all where basically skipping made you feel anxious. "you should go to class. im gonna leave." you sat up then standing up. "leave?" he questioned. "yeah i have a car. and i'll just go to a coffee shop or home i guess. no point in staying for just last period right?" you swung your bag on your back and he stood up towering over you. "could i come? i don't like my last class anyways."

"i thought you were mad at me? you seemed annoyed." you looked up with a smirk. "i don't know you. and i had to babysit you." Nick laughs, the air between the two of you started feeling flirty. "you didn't have to do anything." you say walking towards the parking lot.

"this. this is your car?" he stood shocked by how the car was so nice for someone only 16. "yep." you smirked. "you skateboard? that's very punk of you?" he chucked looking in the back seat. it had your board, a blanket, and a go-bag. your mom always new how you felt about random road trips. some days your dad would wake up and tell you go pack bag and you end up driving for days. it was the best feeling. keeping something like a go bag close made you feel like it could happen again. even if it meant without him.

"where we going?" Nick said looking excited. "uh? i didn't really think about it. i just moved here. where do you wanna go?" you looked down putting your seatbelt on. "i'm hungry? wanna go for burgers?" he smiled. "sure why not." you laughed.

on the ride over he told you the directions and you played one of your dads playlist. you sang along and he kept looking over at you smiling. it was weird to you. you didn't know him much or really at all. skipping school with him felt awkward but completely normal at the same time. like you've known him more then just one day.

getting there y'all sit at a table and a lady came and took yalls order. Nick ordered basically the whole menu and you got fries and a shake. you felt weird eating in front of someone you didn't really know. you didn't really know why. "so? You're a burnout." Nick smirks at you. "i guess? i don't know? i've been smoking for awhile. it makes me feel better why?" you say looking down at the table feeling put on the spot. "nothing. i mean i smoke to i just didn't think you would?" "you don't know me?" you said sharply feeling judged. "i didn't mean anything by it y/n." he said caught off guard. "sure." you spit out looking off to the side. "okay fine." it started to feel tense. you were at this point confused. again you had just met him and have gone to just meeting, to having him babysit you? to acting flirtatious to now feeling angry? today has felt long and heavy. "i'm sorry. i don't know why i got so offended? i barely know you." you sighed. "i'm sorry to. uh? what's your favorite color?" he says looking at the ketchup bottle. "really? what's my favorite color?" you giggled "what? you don't me i don't know you. so? i get to ask you three questions and you ask me three questions." he laughed seeing you start to look nervous. "i'd rather not? why don't we just hangout and then act all weird and pretend we don't know each other tomorrow?" you smiled. "what?! why would we do that! you owe me. i babysat your high ass." he smiled and then thanked the waitress bringing y'all the food. "fine?" you huffed leaning more into your chair before taking a sip of your shake. "what's your favorite color?"..."uh? black and f/c"..."you're so punk? okay! ummm? whyd you move here?" you felt your cheeks blush. "oh uh? some stuff went down with my family...and my last school back home. my mom wanted a fresh start." you felt awkward and he smiled warmly. "i'm sorry. i hope you like it here soon? did you have a boyfriend back home? in california?" he said looking nervous. you felt your cheeks get even warmer. " didn't end well. we ended it once i told him i was moving long distance is stupid" you say before eating more fries. "i'm sorry again. well now you ask me some questions." "okay let's seeee? oh i got a good one! what's your favorite color?" "*laughing* okay? probably purple?"... "do you remember seeing me tell your dad off at the grocery store?" he started laughing "yes! you made him so mad! he talked about respecting adults the whole ride home?!" his smiles was so bright. "yeah? i was really tired. i'm sorry for you he seems uptight."..."he really is?"..."okay okay. i have one more question? do you have a girlfriend?" you say, his cheeks got red and it looked like he hesitated. "uh? no." he said looking nervous and then smiling.

you started talking more and more. three questions become what felt like hundreds of questions.

 Keeping you close// Nick Andopolis X reader Where stories live. Discover now