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Izuku: "AHHH!"

I just got dumped with cold water. I looked up and there were three girls. They sticker their tongues at me and then left. I don't like this...

Everywhere I go....

I get bad looks from almost every girl.

That's when I see Kacchan walking down the hall.

Izuku: "Hey Kacchan!"

Somehow with him I didn't really worry about them. I've been spending a lot more time with him recently. Since Todoroki and I were best friends before we dated our friend groups are pretty similar. I just don't want to face him at the moment....

Bakugou: "Hey. You okay?"

Izuku: "I'm fine. Just deep in thought."

Bakugou: "If you say so."

Today were being interviewed since our careers have just launched. I hope the questions aren't too personal.

Interviewer: "So Deku, seems like you had a great launch!"

Izuku: "Yeah! I was amazed by all of the new fans I received."

Interviewer: "Ha Ha......are you sure about that?"

Izuku: "Yeah. Why...wouldn't I be?"

Interviewer: "Well let's move on to my questions, shall we?"

Izuku: "Sure..."

I'm getting a bad vibe off of this.

Interviewer: "Are you aware that most of your fan base are haters?"

Izuku: "What?"

I: "Most new fans have said that they are following you so they can see your downfall."

Izuku: "What...."

I: "Probably too strong of a question..... People want to know if you and Ground Zero are dating? Hence you have broken up with ST."

Izuku: "Oh, well no. We're not. We're just friends."

I: "For now."

Izuku: "What?"

I: "I was asked by the producer to ask you about this photograph."

She took at a picture and handed it to me. My eyes widened at the photo.

I: "Is that really you in the picture?"

Izuku: "No! Definitely not!"

I: "Photos like these have been floating around. How do you feel about that?"

Izuku: "Wait. There's more?!"

I: "Yes. They seem to be popular on Zwitter."

I open up my phone and see these pictures trending.

Izuku: "That's not me. I've never done those sort of acts with anyone."

I: "So you're a virgin?"

Izuku: "Yes."

I: "That brings me to my other question. Do you plan on being with Ground Zero? Most people think you're already banging. Clearly not if you claim to be a virgin."

Izuku: "W...Where is Aizawa?!"

I: "Don't run from the questions sweetie. We all know you're a whore anyway."

Izuku: "Wha..."

I stand up in horror and run out the door. Bumping into Aizawa.

Aizawa: "There you are. Your interviewer has been looking.....for.........shit."

I saw everyone in the room scramble and run out.

Aizawa: "I see what happened. I'll cancel your interview. Let's go to the principal's office."

Nezu: "So a gossip interviewer managed to sneak in and upset one of our students...."

Aizawa: "Yes."

Nezu: "Izuku....I'm sorry to say but....things will go down hill from here..."

He wasn't wrong.

As I walk down the halls I get dirty looks from boys and the girls are always whispering. I felt terrible. I didn't want this kind of attention. That's when I'm pinned to the wall.

Izuku: "Hey! Get your hands off me!"

"It would turn you on to do it here wouldn't it."

Izuku: "No! LET GO OF ME!"

Bakugou: "SHE SAID TO LET GO!"


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