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Chapter 31: Pain and Terror
"The more the panic grows, the more uplifting the image of a man who refuses to bow to terror"
-Ernst Junger

Chapter 31: Pain and Terror"The more the panic grows, the more uplifting the image of a man who refuses to bow to terror"-Ernst Junger

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For a moment everything seemed to go dark, it was hard to move and it was hard to even breath.  Peter opened his eyes to nothing but darkness and rubble surrounding him, his mask almost felt like it was suffocating him as he tried to move and realized he was stuck. He began to panic and was quick to rip the ski-mask off his head. It seemed like he got lucky, none of the structure seemed to have crushed him or made any serious damage, but he still could feel that if he even tried to stand up the remaining stone around him would crumble down. He could feel his entire body shaking as he tried to make sense of what happened, it was all so fast. One second he was standing in the middle of the room with Ember, he heard her start to say something and the next thing he knows an explosion went off and the whole building seemed to collapse. At the thought of his fighting partner he tried to look around and try to find her.

"Ember" he croaked out, his voice coming out lower than he intended. He could feel himself beginning to panic as he got no response, "Ember!" He croaked louder but still nothing, as far as he could see the Ice Sorceress was nowhere around. At some point during the explosion it seemed like the two heroes got separated. Peter let put a cry as he moved more frantically looking for his friend only to feel more rubble coming above him. He had to stop moving or he could really get trapped in there, he tried to think but the thumping of his heart only seemed to get louder, his body seemed to shake more and more and he could just feel complete panic coursing through his body. He was alone and petrified, one wrong move and he could die, and as that thought sinked in he only seemed to grow more restless . "Hello? Hello! Please, hey. Hey, please. I'm down here. " He kept calling praying, hoping someone could come save him, he cried as loud as his vocal cords aloud him and yet no one seemed to hear his pleas "I'm down here. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I can't move. I can't-"

His cries were stopped by the sound of pained scream. He turned his head a little to his right were the scream came from and found a what seemed like a wall a couple meters away from him, and thats when he caught a glimpse of a hand, crashed by a whole piece of structure.  On the other side of the wall was Ember Snow, waking up from her unconscious state only to feel unmeasurable pain on her right arm, and she could help but let out a scream and cries. The last thing she remembered was creating a blast of wind in an attempt to protect herself and Peter from the explosion bit something must have hit her because she blacked out and got separated from the teenage boy. However, Peter Parker was far from her mind as the only thing she could focus on was pain and panic, she could hardly breath and felt like she was about to die right there. Sobs racked her entire body, as she began to whimper, silently begging for someone to come help her.

"Ember!" Peter shouted as he recognized the screams of the blonde girl, but he got no response only more cries from the girl making him panic even more. "Ember!" He cried again louder this time hoping she could hear him.

Ice Sorceress ❅ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now