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Chapter 1: Where They Meet
"If you didn't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you've lost."

It was a cold night in New York City, at times it seemed like this kind of nights were a signal, calling for all the criminals to come out of their hide outs to cause some mischief upon the defenseless citizens

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It was a cold night in New York City, at times it seemed like this kind of nights were a signal, calling for all the criminals to come out of their hide outs to cause some mischief upon the defenseless citizens.

Quite a few people were walking through Queens, but still you could hear every sound around, the cars driving from a far, the drunk talks of the teenagers hiding in the dark, even some of the laughs from the children in their apartments. For a moment, the figure standing on top of the old building seemed calm, it seemed that no trouble would come to her city during that night. As she got ready to leave, the calmness ended abruptly with the sound of an alarm from the jewelry store a couple blocks away. In the blink of an eye, the small figure from the building disappeared from her spot, making her way towards the source of the sound.

In the store were three guys, wearing black hoodies in an attempt to hide their faces from the cameras while stuffing their old bags with any diamond they could get their hands into.

"Seriously, jewelry? Why can't thieves be more creative" said a voice from the darkness, it was a cold voice, so cold that it sent the men shivers down their spines.

The three men quickly stood from their positions and drew their guns at the direction the voice came from.

"Is that any way to treat a lady, boys?" The source of the voice said as it came into the light. It was a girl, she was a bit on the short side, traces of ice seemed to cover her skin making it appear a lot paler that it usually is, her hair was almost white barley noticeable thanks to the cloak covering her head, but the oddest part were her eyes, completely white, void of any emotion.

"You're Ice Sorceress" said the man in the middle in awe at the sight of the known hero.

"You know who I am. That's good, you know who is about to throw you in jail" chuckled the young heroine, glaring at the three criminals.

The same guy who talked, the leader she was guessing, fired his weapon at the girl, clearly not ready to go down without a fight. For her, things seemed to go in slow motion as she raised her hands, allowing a blast of ice to shoot from them, freezing the bullet in mid air before it fell to the ground with a clang. And just like that,  all hell broke lose, the temperature on the store dropped, thanks to all the blasts from the girl, some of the counters were frozen and it seemed that snow covered the floor. Ice Sorceress threw punches and blasts with her hands, managing to knock out one of  the thieves and freeze an other in a matter of seconds, now, she was fighting with the last one standing.

When the thief appeared to be losing a sound came from the ceiling, distracting the heroine as she looked up and mumbled "What the hell?" the remaining thief managed to hit the girl with the back of his gun, making the blonde lose balance for a moment.  Ice Sorceress tumbled back from the blast, the criminal used this as an opportunity to raise his gun and aim it at her, ready to shoot, just as he was about to pull the trigger something that looked like spiderweb trapped the weapon before flying out of it's owners hands into the hands of a figure in the ceiling.

"I wouldn't do that" said the guy in the ceiling, he was wearing a silly suit with black googles covering his eyes. Not even thinking twice about it the white eyed girl used the distraction to freeze the thief. At the sight, the boy looked at the ice figure that stood in the criminal's place in awe. "Wow"

Ice Sorceress got up from the ground, there was a bit of blood falling from the side of her head but she barely noticed it, other than that she seemed unharmed.

The boy on the ceiling still stared at the figure of the thief in wonder, he didn't even notice the girl walking towards him with hands ready to attack. "Who the hell are you?"

"M-me?" stuttered the boy looking around to make sure she was talking to him. "I'm Spider-Man" just as he said that he tried to make himself appear fearless only to end up falling from the ceiling with a loud 'Ouch'

As the heroine was about to make a mocking comment Spider-Man noticed the thief who used to be unconscious standing up ready to attack the girl from behind, deciding to be the hero he shouted a quick 'Watch out!' before throwing himself at the thief managing to knock him out with a punch, where he got frozen by the blonde.

Turning around to look at the girl, he felt a bit nervous at her threatening eyes and at her hands that seemed ready to attack.Both teenagers just stayed there, she was studying him, trying to identify if he was a threat, while he just looked at her unsure of what to do next.

"So, you're like a real life Elsa?" chuckled the boy, trying to break the silence.

"And you are a giant, talking spider in tights." responded the girl, continuing to analyze the intruder. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, I, um, wanted to help" said Spider-Man nervously at the girl's threatening tone.

"Then go home Itsy Bitsy, cause I don't need your help" glared the young blonde unbothered by the way the boy's posture changed from happy to sad at the sound of her words.

"Wait! Please, just give me a chance" begged the new hero trying to stop the girl from leaving.

She stood there thinking, before making up her mind and throwing a punch his way.

The boy in red tights wasn't expecting that at all "What was that for?"

"Prove it, Spidey. Hand to hand combat, you win you're in, I win, well, you're out." He barley has time to process her words before she launches forward, throwing more punches his way.

He blocked her fists as fast as he could, she was fast but he was determined to win. The fight went on for a while, both of them had managed to hit the other at least once, until the heroine decided enough was enough. She bent over avoiding his next blow before kicking his legs, making him fall to the ground, she stood up before putting her boot on his chest to stop him from moving.

"I win" she said looking down at him while he gave a defeated sigh.

The sirens were finally getting closer to the store, but the cops were late as always and Ice Sorceress had done their job with the help of Spider-Man even if she hated to admit it.

Just when the blonde was ready to leave, she stole one last look to the boy who still laid on the ground and with a frustrated sigh she decided to do something for him. She extended her hand towards him helping him stand. "Tomorrow, the alley next to Angela's, six am, don't make me regret this."

That was the start of a new life for Peter Parker, a new life fighting against crime with the help of the mysterious heroine by the name of Ice Sorceress.


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