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Chapter 17: The Game
"You are more hero than breath, fuck being a damsel in distress. Raise your bloody knuckles to the sky. Women like you know how to fight."
- Ambra Wilson

Michelle Jones wasn't happy, she chased after Peter only to find him in detention, and just with her luck the door was already closed when she got there

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Michelle Jones wasn't happy, she chased after Peter only to find him in detention, and just with her luck the door was already closed when she got there. Usually, it was coach Wilson who was in charge of detention but for some reason, Mrs Warren was covering  for him. With coach Wilson Michelle would have been able to walk in with no problem, he would probably be asleep on his desk, but Monica Warren wasn't a lady you wanted to mess with and her detentions were a bit more strict. To be honest the brunette wasn't even sure about what she was going to do if she found Peter, it wasn't like she could just come up to him and ask him if he was Spider-Man, the boy would most likely deny everything and either way it wasn't like Michelle could interrogate him without risking exposing Ember's identity. 

Michelle was so deep inside her own thoughts that she didn't even realize her best friend was there until she spoke. "What did Mr. Harrington want?" Ember asked, dropping her stuff in her bench and sitting next to the brunette.

"Oh, he wanted to talk to me about some homework" Michelle lied, casually closing her notebook and leaning back on her seat.

"Well, I saved you half of my sandwich, thought you might be hungry" Ember said, grabbing her leftovers and handing the sandwich to Michelle who eagerly took it.

Michelle wasted no time in taking a big bite, closing her eyes in delight, Ember knew she loved her food and when she doesn't have any the brunette gets cranky "And that's why you are my best friend" Michelle said with her mouth full before taking the water Ember had in her desk and taking a big sip.

"I thought it was because I broke Zack Gordon's nose after he tried to punch you"

"That too" Michelle nodded, smiling fondly at the memory and eating the last of pice of the sandwich, before she remembered what  has been bothering all morning "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, MJ, you can have the rest of my chips" Ember said, not even giving it a second though as she got them out of her bag.

"Awesome" The brunette was quick to snatch the bag of greasy chips from her pale hands "but thats not my question" she continued, Ember turned to look at her expectantly. Michelle took a deep breath knowing her question might get Ember mad but she asked anyway "Who do you think is under spider man's mask?"

"Seriously?" Ember groaned dramatically, throwing Michelle an annoyed glare. She had had enough from the whole 'Spider mania' that seemed to take over Midtown "the last thing I want is to talk about Spider-Man. Thats what everyone in this school talks about!"

"I know, I was just wandering." Michelle knew Ember wasn't Spider-Man's biggest fan, especially not today, but the brunette wasn't able to find Peter Parker and therefore Ember might be her last source. "You've known him for almost a year and you're telling me you've never been at least a bit  curious about his identity? Not even once?"

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