Week 15

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Day 68:

(Forgot to write but nothing happened anyway)

Day 69:

I'm at lunch now. Donna has a history test so yeah. Hold on.

Sorry. I was eating a cookie and someone talked to me.

Anyway sitting in lunch alone. Need something to do. I think that The Heartbreak Chronicles is a drug. It's addicting. And If I Stay is SOOOO boring.

Anyway, I started listening to Blink 182 last night and I like it. I can't remember the name of the song, but I'm going to have one of theirs for the video this week. And yeah that's about it for now. My knee hurts and I feel sick. And idk if I'll write after 6th. Nothing ever happens. Actually, history and bio tests today. Took history (Greece.) and next bio (viruses, cell theory, blah blah blah).

Laterz aligatorz.

Btw, 3 days till I get 2 weeks off. I got dis.


Hey so stuff actually happened in science!!! Yay!!! Well sorta...

Okay so I apparently got a 61.5/9 on a thing!!!! SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!!!! And yeah I also got an F on something else but...C- on my test retake. I'll take it. I'd prefer an A, but I'll take what I can get.

And then one girl, who I will not name because she has an uncommon (but cool) name and I actually don't really know how to spell it. Hahaha sorry. But anyway she said like "your hair looks good today. Did you re-color it?" To me. And I just sorta turned like "uhhhh?" 'Cause I'm a natural blonde. And I have naturally blue eyes. And IM 500 MILES FROM PERFECT!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA SHUT YOUR FACE HITLER!!!!!!! Wut. Sorry. Anyway that's all for today...so far.

Laterz aligatorz.


Oh my gosh. So there was this guy, Wes or Wess. He was on Instagram, @ aye.fanboy and Wattpad, @ayefanboy and...he died tonight. And it's not fair. Because I want to die sometimes, and I don't think he wanted to. And it's not fair. I would do anything to take his place. I just feel
Horrible for his friends and family and all his other followers.

Day 70:

[sorry sorry sorry. I didn't write because I was logged into my main reading Daughter Of The Games. 2 chapters came out since I last went on.]

Day 71:

Okay so boring. We watched Clash Of The Titans in history, finished Hercules in Latin, had to do boring stuff (one second) in economics, and made a wanted poster in bio.

Okay so nothing for 2nd and 3rd period. They were movies. But in 4th (economics) it was...yup. PROFESSIONAL DEATH. *Dress. Wait-that wasn't a typo. Anyway, I almost threw my shoes out the bus window, and since I hated them and they were super uncomfortable, I kept taking them off. I mean, they were flats. And they don't fit. And they hurt. And they slide. So I can't walk. And anyway, I felt like Calypso when I got home because I was wearing navy dress pants, and a white blouse. Hahahaha House Of Hades anyone?

But there was a new guy in Our class that brought donuts. Idk why but I didn't eat one. It's not the fear of being poisoned or anything, it's that I like donuts, but on Saturday. I normally have donuts on Saturday for breakfast, pancakes on Sunday, and don't eat on weekdays. But, off the topic of donuts (we'll come back to that. I've got a lot to say today.) he said words to me.

Since we don't do the normal work on professional dress days, we did a thing where we 'sold' things (even if we didn't actually have them) and then 'bought' things. I bought nothing. I actually didn't move for my seat, where I shook and feared people. But I think it was just him and one of the seniors that sits in front of me 'bought' stuff. I really didn't care whether or not anyone did, but whatever.

But anyway I only squeaked when he talked to me. Like, I've had months to stop fearing these other people. Plus the 2 seniors that normally sit in front of me are really nice and always making jokes and stuff and taking to our teacher and oh yeah, they're girls. I feel less terrified of girls. Okay? It's my species. But yeah.

So that was that. And the wanted poster was just of like flash eating bacteria and stuff. Clara chose what we were going to do. But, she didn't bother to write it down or tell me, so we didn't know what to make the poster of. And, we could've worked on it outside of class, but she didn't understand that. And then, she said all the computers were broken when our passwords just weren't working. Overall I was just annoyed with her. I mean, she knew we would have a sub. And everyone knows subs probably aren't told 67% of what the teacher should tell them, and the teacher probably realizes that...a few days later, when it's too late.

So yeah that was my day. And what else? Oh right. The food thing. So, lately I've felt overweight...which I don't think is right...I'm 14 years dying (years old whatever.) and like 5'2" or 5'4" I think the later. But I wright about...idk...104? 107? My scale is off and it says 104. So I mean, I'm healthy weight. But I think it's something my brother said as a joke at least 3 years ago. We have wii fit and I was playing and it showed that I'm healthy weight and I was about half way up that maybe a little more getting to at tidy of overweight. And I was okay. Until my brother said something. I don't remember what. But he was very close to underweight. Still is, though much less. And for the last few years I hand thought of it. But recently, since I've realized and accepted (just not openly) that I have depression, anxiety, synesthesia, anthropophobia, scopopbobia, decidophobia, and others, I've begun to eat less. And that's not good. I'm a healthy weight. And I actually lost weight between passing out and going to the doctor. That was like a month apart. And I'm hardly over 100. I'm scared. And I'm tired. Anything else can wait. Goodnight. I'm sorry.

Day 71:

Okay so sitting outside of math. I've been trusted to make sure no one takes someone's things. Okay. And yeah so school hasn't started. Won't for 31 minutes. But whatever. I just wanted to say, before I forget, that today is a short day and I will make a chapter for Christmas and new years and anything that happens over break.

Also, I'm going to New England the day after Christmas. We go to see my mom's family almost every year. And then on Christmas Day we'll be at my house. We alternate between my aunt and uncle's house, and this is our year for Christmas and theirs for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure if I explained that...but yeah so next year will be thanksgiving at home and Christmas there.

And that's all for now. Tell Ya about my day later.



So yeah today was cool. I read Werewolrd (rise of the wolf) during math because I only brought 2 books, a pen, and my key. So yeah that was okay. But then in English...I can't remember the name I'm using...

Rose. So rose and I just talked and stuff for the first bit and then we watched some of The Nightmare Before Christmas on someone's computer. Idk what I'll call him. But I'll probably need a name for him at some point. But yeah that was fun and then we went to a concert for orchestra, band, chorus, and guitar. It was cool 'cause I got to sit with Clara and Donna and Rose and we saw Amy but Rory is in chorus.

But yeah so then in PE we actually did nothing. We just messed around for one and a half hours and then went to lunch but Clara was the only one of us 3 (Clara, Donna, and me) that brought a lunch. So Donna say there and read and I watched the clock and stared outside. Now I think I'll charge my phone and see. Uggghhh. Btw I have 2 games of trivia crack where I just need 1 more character and then I win.

And, as I said, I'll try to write over break. Just like to tell you what I get for Christmas, wish you a merry Christmas, and just generally tell you how I'm doing. Ya know, 'cause if you're reading this you might care about me. But you shouldn't. Whatever. Well, anyway I'll go quilt and then crochet.


(P.S. Picture is Aladdin, the camel from mount Vernon.)

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